The most common money management mistakes - and how to avoid them

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Wednesday, February 6, 2019 - 10:48am

Mistakes in money management are more common than you may expect. In fact, several people struggle to plan their finances across the UK. A third of us even fear that we’ll be unable to clear our debts fully.

So, what can we do to minimise the risk of overspending? One solution is to learn from our errors – and identify ways to avoid them. 

Mistake: Not Seeking Expert Advice 

When it comes to money management, we can be reluctant to seek advice. Often, this is because many of us aren’t sure where to look for it. Because of this, we risk losing out on the opportunity to enhance our finances, which can be a huge mistake. 

Solution: A Reliable Specialist 

What do you want to learn from an advice service? If you know, great. – but if you’re still unsure, don’t worry. Very often, a few sessions with a professional can be all you need to sharpen your financial understanding. 

An expert specialist like Salary Finance will be able to help you perfect your control over your money. Look to a source like this that can guarantee success.  

Mistake: Failing to Plan Effectively 

Are you really in control of your money? Do you regularly set reminders for bill payments and income updates, for example? If not, the answer to the former is no. Several people are yet to realise the benefits of an advanced spending plan. As a result, they’re unable to make the most of their money. 

Solution: A Regular Cash Flow 

At the beginning of each month, why not create a cash flow? Use a spreadsheet to produce a document that details all scheduled outgoing and incoming payments. 

That way, you can work out whether you’ll be able to cover costs far in advance. Should you need to rearrange due dates with bill companies or lenders, this will give you ample time to do so. 

With this method, you’ll be able to pay all fees in time, save money, and improve your credit score

Mistake: Not Saving for Surprise Expenses 

Nobody likes unexpected costs. But at some point, you’ll likely have to face one. And if you haven’t secured your finances, it can have serious consequences. Most people like the idea of a ‘Rainy Day’ fund, but few actually get around to starting one. Those that don’t often regret it later. 

Solution: A Contingency Fund 

It’s never too early to start your fund. Instead of spending spare money, why not put it to one side? What’s more, you needn’t scrimp to save – small amounts can go a long way.  

In addition to financial back-up, contributions could help to guarantee a more comfortable retirement

Therefore, you could reap big rewards from a contingency collection. 

Money management may seem like a daunting task. With these tips, however, you can master your finance skills once and all. It’s never been simpler to organise your assets. 

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