Mark Tyler to shave his head for charity

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tyler, we have a baby called David for adoption and we wonder if you would care to consider him. He was born on October 4th and his weight at birth was 7 lb 4 oz. David is a handsome baby with a nice shaped head and ears, fair skin and very dark eyes. He is a good and easy baby” is how Families for Children Patron Mark Tyler was described to his prospective adoptive parents. 50 years later Mark is about to celebrate his half-century by having his head shaved in aid of the charity. “I want to see if that nice shaped head is still there!” said Mark.

Families for Children were the adoption agency that placed Mark with Dorothy and Henry all that time ago. Ally Colton, Fundraising and Publicity Co-ordinator for the charity, explains “Mark is a wonderful Patron for Families for Children as he understands better than most the need to find supportive, loving adoptive parents for the children we place. Mark enjoyed a happy childhood being raised in Exeter and is using his 50th birthday to thank us by promoting the work we do and raising vital funds for us”.

Mark will be having his head shaved on stage in Princesshay on Friday 4th October at 1pm. Emma-Jane Lineham from Viva Hair will be adding her professional touch to the proceedings. To donate to Mark please visit

Ally continues “recent research by Albert Mannes of The University of Pennsylvania has proved that guys with shaved heads are seen as taller, stronger and having greater potential as leaders – so here's to your new Bruce Willis look Mark!"

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