Initiative in Exeter builds upon movement of prayer in Devon

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 6:23pm

Hundreds of churches across Devon have taken part in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, a national prayer event in recent weeks, which in the city included a large finale event at the Cathedral. 

Now, an initiative based out of Rediscover Church in Exeter hopes to build upon that with what could be the county’s biggest ever prayer gathering.

Devon Awake takes place on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June, 7.30pm nightly at Rediscover Church, Northernhay Street, Exeter, and seeks to encourage churches of all denominations from across the county to pray for Devon and all those who live and work here. 

This is the sixth event of its kind run by the church and has seen hundreds, if not thousands of Christians take part, with many taking back what they have been inspired by to their home church.  

Churches are invited to come along each night or they can watch via a livestream at

On both evenings, churches are invited to worship together and pray together and it’s hoped that those attending will experience a fresh understanding of the Holy Spirit and what God can do in Devon.

Rediscover Church Lead Pastor Mark Pugh said, “Just as our lungs require oxygen, we believe people thrive when God is a part of their lives. Jesus didn’t come announcing a religion but announcing good news – news that brings life, hope and joy, and there are many thousands of people in this county who have experienced this for themselves. Prayer is essentially a two way conversation with God. It’s not like an awkward conversation with a stranger or enemy but a conversation with someone who is for us, someone who loves us. 

"We believe God loves the people of Devon and these two nights of prayer will see many people who have discovered this good news, praying for the well-being and spiritual renewal of their communities.”

During recent Devon Awake events, some churches watching online have gathered in church halls and broadcast the event on projector screens. It’s expected that many churches will also participate this time around too.

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