How to invest in stocks? Get started here

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 7:48am

Investing is a long-term commitment. It is a way of tucking away your hard-earned money and waiting for that money to grow so you can enjoy the rewards of your hard work in the future. Investing gives you the idea that will lead you to aspire for a happy ending. Before you start investing, you must identify your investment personality.

What is your investment personality?

You are different from other investors because you all came from a different background and have acquired different values that influence your every decision in life.

Before you enter a commitment, such as investing. You need to know what kind of investor you are.

There are 3 types of investors with different investment pattern::

  • Passive investor/low-maintenance investor - proactive in selecting their investment options but has less time to maintain and balance their investments.
  • Active investor - they are always involved in every step of the investment process
  • Hands-off investor/automatic investor - They are the ones who have no time to keep an eye on their investments. They would rather get a finance professional to look after their finances for them.

How to invest in stocks

Think of investing in stocks as a slice of pizza. If you divide the pizza into 8 slices, each slice of pizza represents one of your shares of the company you chose to invest in.

For starters, you need to have an investment account. There are two kinds of investment accounts:

  • Brokerage account - this leads you to the quickest, convenient, and less expensive ways of buying stocks, funds, and other investments. By having a broker, you can open an IRA which is known as the Individual Retirement Account or you can open a taxable brokerage account.
  • Robo-advisor account -This is ideal for passive investors. Opening a Robo-advisor account helps you be more hands-off in managing your investment. Robo-advisor services are there to completely manage your investments. The management fees are around 0.25% of your account balance.

The difference between stocks and mutual funds

Stock investing is not rocket science. It doesn't have to confuse you until you give up on investing. You can choose among these two investment types:

  • Mutual funds - this allows you to invest in individual stocks yourselves. Mutual funds work by pooling your money with other investors' money and invest it on other assets such as stocks or bonds.

Mutual funds are often the choice of investors because it allows you to pick one fund, which contains different stocks, and not worry about putting too many eggs in one basket.

Mutual funds are managed by fund managers or investment advisers. They have financial analysts on board to help pick the right investment or do market research.

  • Individual stocks - If you want to invest in a specific company, you can buy shares just to test the waters in stock-trading.

Setting a budget for your stock investment

There is no specific minimum amount that you need to invest in the stock market. The most important thing to remember is "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Don't put all your hard-earned money in one investment, because if that investment fails, you will lose all your money all at once.

The fear of losing money is one of the reasons why people are scared to invest. It is important for you to know the importance of diversifying your investments. It just means putting your money into different investments such as bonds, real estate, or equities.

For instance, you choose to invest your money in mutual funds. You also have some of your money in real estate and bonds. When one of these investments fails, you still have other investments and there is no major amount of money lost.

Always find the right balance in spreading your money to different investments. It will not totally remove the risk but it can help you manage it. All investments are not spared from risks. Anything can happen with the economy and your investments may be badly affected. But what's important is, with diversification, you are able to prevent losing your money all at once. Visit VectorVest to find more guides about stocks and investment.

Last words

Investing, money making and managing your loans from l is a skill. There are thousands of articles that talk about investment and how to improve your investment skill.

You can learn from other resources such as financial blogs, case studies, and watch or listen to interviews with financial experts. You can also learn from community groups where members talk about the latest trends in investing, debts and loans from your moneylenders and connect with other people from the financial industry.

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