How to Care for Your Pet During the Summer Months

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 8:45am

We all know that dogs die in hot cars, but what other precautions must we take to ensure that our pets are looked after during the long, hot days? Most pets have fur, fur is an insulator designed to keep animals warm at night and throughout the winter months to protect their vital organs. When the temperature is soaring and we find ourselves melting every time we step outside, it is easy to forget that our furry friends might also be suffering.

Here is a list of the main things any responsible pet owner must look-out for:

1. Water Replenishment

It sounds basic, but during the summer all animals need to drink more. When you are going about your busy life it is easy to overlook an empty bowl, and while dogs might tell us they are thirsty by panting, smaller animals often cannot. Cats are independent creatures and can source their water elsewhere, but if you do have caged pets like rabbits or rodents be sure to keep a keen eye on their water levels.

2. Food Monitoring

When it is hot outside, humans and animals alike often reduce their food intake. If your pet has stopped eating their food, it is easy to assume that it is because of the sweltering temperatures as they are not exercising as much as usual. Although heat fatigue may be the cause, remain vigilant as it could be something more serious that requires your attention. If your pet has been off their food for more than two days, visit The Vet and check that it isn’t something more serious.

3. Hair style

When it is the middle of summer, long hair can be a bit of a drag and can cause anyone to overheat. Have you stopped to think about whether your pet might be overheating because of their luscious locks? If your pet seems to be lagging in the heat, perhaps they are more lethargic than usual, it could be because they need to lose some of their excess hair. Research your pets requirements, and maybe if you have a dog book them in for a trim, they might even enjoy the attention.

4. Shade

Is your cat allowed in the house? Do your pets have a place to go to escape the heat of the day? Because pets can’t communicate it can be difficult to know when they are overheating. Make sure they have places to go that are covered and out of the heat.

5. Exercise

Dogs and other animals like horses that need exercising, can also suffer in the heat and may not want to be exercised as much as normal. It might be that you have to adjust your schedule to take them in the morning and the evening, instead of throughout the day. Although they might find the heat a bit much, they still require exercise to keep them healthy. Make sure they are getting enough, even when the thermometer is rising.

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