Tom Devin of the Per Mare Per Terram Masonic Lodge No 9355 presents a cheque for £300 to Pete’s Dragons project manager Kate Bedding.

Exmouth Freemasons' £300 boost to suicide bereavement charity Pete's Dragons

Freemasons in Exmouth have handed a £300 boost to a flourishing charity based in the town that supports suicide bereaved families across Devon. 

Members of the Per Mare Per Terram Masonic Lodge No 9355, Tom Devin and John Langford, were welcomed to the Exeter Road HQ of Pete’s Dragons.

They presented a cheque to the charity’s project manager Kate Bedding and were pleased to learn more about the ‘very worthwhile’ cause. 

“We wish the team all the best for the future and congratulate them on their achievements,” said John.

The donation is the fourth that Pete’s Dragons has received from Freemasons in Devon in recent months – boosting the charity by a total of £4,600.  

The charity has also received £2,500 from the Masonic Charitable Foundation, £1,500 from the Wake Fund, and £300 from Exmouth’s Sun Lodge. 

Kate said: “We’re extremely grateful. The money will enable us to continue the valuable work we do supporting individuals and families across Devon that have been bereaved by suicide.”                                                                                               

To find out more about Pete’s Dragons, visit

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