Exeter retirees invited to befriending event for older people experiencing loneliness

Authored by LaurenBluck
Posted Monday, February 3, 2020 - 4:04pm

Residents and the team at McCarthy and Stone’s Exeter development, Pinnoc Mews, were joined by local retirees at its recent befriending event, ‘Friendship Friday’, which aims to tackle loneliness among the older generation.

Exeter retirees were invited to the Retirement Living development on Bakers Way for tea and scones, which provided the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the company of others in a warm and welcoming environment.

The team at Pinnoc Mews hosted its ‘Friendship Friday’ event following the findings into attitudes towards loneliness in Exeter. McCarthy and Stone found that 53 per cent of over-65s often feel lonely – particularly when they are home alone. One in five said being lonely makes them feel invisible, while 47 percent said being lonely makes them feel sad.

Geoff Bates, Head of Marketing at McCarthy and Stone South, said: “The event was a great success. We were delighted to see the start of so many new-found friendships and everyone who attended had a fantastic time.

“Friendship Fridays are all about reconnecting older people with their wider community, especially those who may be feeling lonely or who are looking to find companionship. At McCarthy and Stone, we are committed to enriching the lives of older people and their families, and we know that engaging in activities they enjoy, and helping retirees to maintain their independence, is a big part of this.”

Comprising a selection of 39 one and two-bedroom Retirement Living apartments, exclusively designed for people aged 60 and over, Pinnoc Mews provides everything residents could want for a relaxing retirement. 

Pinnoc Mews features a communal lounge, which is perfect for socialising with new neighbours. Retirees can make the most of beautiful landscaped gardens knowing all the maintenance is taken care of; and many properties also include patios or balconies, so residents can enjoy the outdoors from their own apartment.

A House Manager takes care of the day-to-day running of Pinnoc Mews, while a secure entry system and 24-hour emergency call system provide added peace-of-mind.

For further information on Pinnoc Mews, please call 0800 310 0383 or visit www.mccarthyandstone.co.uk.

*Ts & Cs apply. For more details, visit: www.mccarthyandstone.co.uk/campaigns/grow-young.

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