4 Ways to Rid Your Pet of Fleas

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Saturday, February 22, 2020 - 4:08pm

If you are a pet owner, you know how much concern fleas are for your pet and your household. Getting rid of this nuisance can be trickier than it seems. One of the hardest things about dealing with infestations on your pet is that it causes your dog or cat a great deal of irritation, and resolving it fast is a priority.

Fleas can be a big problem if left unchecked and unresolved, that is why you should get information about them quickly. Not only is this useful for the well-being of your pet, but it is a good way to keep your home healthy too. Regardless, helping your pet is the priority, and these 4 ways to rid your pet of fleas should help you keep your dog or cat comfy and healthy.

Know What Stage the Fleas Are At

If your dog or cat is already exhibiting signs of a flea infection, it would be useful to figure out what stage they are on so you know the severity of the problem. The experts at https://pestseek.com/how-long-can-fleas-live-without-a-host/ indicate how fleas come in multiple stages, which can determine their lifespan. Early stages of fleas cannot survive very long without feeding, while later-stage fleas are better at finding new hosts and living without feeding so often. The four stages in order are egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The prevention of fleas breaking out and infesting more of your house or residents depend on this stage. Different products are meant for these different stages, so one of the best defenses against fleas is to know their stages.

Thoroughly Bathe and Wash Your Pet

Easy to do, and quite effective. Washing your pet in a soapy, warm bath is good for their coat, and is good to remove fleas that are stuck in the animal's fur. While dogs are much easier to bathe, getting your cat to warm up to the idea might be a little harder, but it is worth it. There are specific shampoos and soaps that are meant for flea removal specifically. If you plan on using these products, you should consult a veterinarian first, as your animal might be sensitive to the chemicals. This step is not a guarantee, but it is pretty effective - only if your pet is receptive to it, and it does not cause irritation though.

Grooming Your Pet

Much like giving your pet a bath, some simple grooming techniques can prove to be very useful in fighting fleas. Grooming combs that are made for flea removal are very easy to find and can really help fight your pet’s nagging pest problem. These combs help pass through hair smoothly and remove the fleas, as well as flea poop. Flea feces look like little dark brown or black specks and can cling to your pet's skin. When using these types of comb it is important to be thorough and go through your pet's fur multiple times and inspect how much you are getting out. With that in mind, be careful in sensitive areas like their necks or behind the ears. These spots can sometimes be very common areas that fleas like to inhabit.

Flea Disposal

Flea disposal, or killing the fleas, to put it bluntly, is also very easy. When you inspect the comb you will be able to easily see the fleas because of their color in contrast to the comb, and because they are big enough to see with the naked eye. Squishing fleas are not advised because they are very mobile insects that can jump great distances, and will evade you if possible. Taking them and dunking them in hot water can be a good way to remove them for good after you have combed them out of the dog's fur. In addition to removing fleas from your pet, you should vacuum carpets and wash linens and clothes because once they are on your pet, they have likely found somewhere to live in your home too.


Removing fleas might sound like a tall order because of how small they are, but it is actually not that difficult. Fleas are small, roughly the size of poppy seeds, which can be hard to see in their fur or in your house. The best way to get them off your pet is to know what stages they are in, and to properly groom them with warm water, flea combs, and to kill them quickly with water. Fleas can be a nuisance to your pet and their health, so use these 4 helpful tips to get them removed fast and properly.


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