The Exeter Dementia Action Alliance pay tribute to the genius artist, Tony Husband and celebrate 10 years of shining a light on dementia in the city
Monday saw the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance pay tribute to the incredible artist, Tony Husband. The alliance also took time to celebrate 10 years since it’s inception in 2014.
Heather Morris former Exeter City Councillor said: “I felt honoured to attend the 10 year anniversary of the alliance which began with the passion perseverance and vision of Gina Awad. The evening also celebrated the life of Tony Husband who died suddenly in October last year.
"I recall I met Gina about 11 years ago when working for Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw. Gina phoned through to Bens office requesting an appointment with him to discuss the formation of the Alliance and her vision for Exeter. Her passion and motivation was awe inspiring.
"I was caring for my step dad at the time who had vascular dementia so it was poignant timing we met when we did. Ben gave his support to Gina and the Alliance and being a local politician myself, I was able to introduce her to other local councillors.
"One thing that inspires me about Gina is her perseverance despite several set backs. I am so pleased to have been a part of the EDAA‘s early days of campaigning in the city centre and proud knowing so many businesses and churches have taken action for dementia. Gina has given those living with dementia and their carers both a voice and hope."
Jo Earlam, alliance board member and carer for her husband John, who lives with mixed dementia, created a fabulous video which captures the decade long alliance work and how Tony fitted into that from 2016.
Sadly, Jo and John were unable to attend on the night in person but were there virtually. She said “In looking through the Alliance archives to source content for the tribute night and anniversary celebration, it was amazing to see how much has been achieved by Gina's passion and drive at the helm, Tony's unique and insightful input, and the rest of the alliance team, businesses, and supporters.
"As a dementia carer myself I know a diagnosis can be a dark place at times, but the alliance really does what it says, it shines a light on dementia.
"It was an honour to put the video and other content together in tribute to all my loved ones with dementia.
"I was very disappointed not to be able to be there on the night, but John and I followed on WhatsApp phone link and felt very much a part of what was clearly a wonderful evening. "
Gina, founder and lead of EDAA, said: “WHat a fantastic evening had by all. Over 60 in attendance for our local tribute to Tony. It really was bittersweet. We were able to honour Tony, his genius skill as an artist, the final work we collaborated on shortly before he died and his fabulous, humorous, personality. What a gifted man who is sorely sorely missed.
"It was also the perfect opportunity to reflect on our decade of shining a light on dementia through delivering information sessions, educating the public with honesty and realism and highlighting people with dementia can live well with a diagnosis. Whilst it is an undoubtedly complex disease there is much support available and a compassionate, empathic, knowledgeable community can help so much.
"Our mission is grounded in making a difference for families affected by dementia by sharing our combined personal experiences and creative community projects. The emotion and support in the room was undeniable; in attendance were families living with dementia, local business supporters, volunteers, family and friends.
"It’s easy to keep on keeping on but it felt really important to reflect on our collaborations as well as looking to the year ahead. A moving evening with much love and laughter. My inbox hasn’t stopped all day with an influx of supportive messages highlighting the impact we have made across our community and what a wonderful evening was had by all. It makes my heart warm inside."
Much gratitude to Geoffrey Cox from Southern Healthcare who supported the double event hosted by the Cowick Barton pub.
Do take a look at the alliance video which pays tribute to the incredible artist and dear friend Tony Husband and celebrates the decade long mission of the alliance raising awareness and inspiring action across the city, reaching thousands of people.
The Exeter Dementia Action Alliance is a small foundation governed by GivingWorks - charity number 1078770