Top Tips for Clearing your House

Top Tips for Clearing your House

Euan Langley
Authored by Euan Langley
Posted Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 6:10am

Clearing your home can seem like a daunting task but it is definitely something that we all need to do at some point, whether you are looking to sell the property and need to start clearing it or you are just looking to tidy the place up a bit there are many things that you can keep in mind that should hopefully make the job a little easier. 

One thing to keep in mind that may seem obvious is hiring professionals to do the job for you, look around your local area and there is sure to be companies that are able to do a lot of the removing for you or maybe even potentially remove everything you need to be cleared; Junk Taxi, for example, is very popular company for people that need that need house clearance in Croydon.

Something that you really should keep in mind that can even be useful in other areas of life is to have a plan. It can be very easy to look at what needs doing and then see the whole house as needing to be done and that may seem like an incredibly big job that you might end up putting off. 

Breaking everything down as much as you can into little jobs rather than one big job will make everything seem much easier. A good way to do this is to think about the fact that the house is already separated into sections; start at one room and don’t move on to the next until you are completely satisfied that that room is complete. 

Another thing to do is to throw things out, upcycle, recycle, donate, or sell anything that you don’t use anymore. We all do it; we hang onto things thinking that we will use them again at some point but then never do, quite often there will be things in people’s homes that they haven’t even looked at and never mind used in years. If it doesn’t serve a purpose then there is no need to keep a hold of it. 

Related to that point, another thing to keep in mind is that it is really common for people to keep a hold of things that are broken thinking that they will get around to fixing it at some point. It is important to be honest with yourself and think if you are actually going to ever use it again. 

Think about clothes as well, we all end up with clothes that we don’t wear anymore. This can happen for a number of reasons but the main thing to think about is are you going to wear it again? If not then get rid of it. 

One thing that can happen is you end up with stuff in your home that is just rubbish or trash, things that have expired that you haven’t thought about, used batteries, empty paint cans, letters you don’t need anymore. This typically happens to everyone over time so be on the lookout for things that should really just be going in the bin not sitting in a drawer. 

We also usually end up with electronic items that we just don’t need anymore, remotes for TVs we no longer own, chargers for items long gone, cables that we have no idea what they are for. If it can't be used anymore then get rid of it. 

Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a scary task, when it is all broken down and you really go for it then it can make the world of difference in bringing out the best in your home.

Keep in mind though that you really have to be committed to the job, if you don’t need it don’t keep it. 

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