The rise of the houseplant and is it set to stay?

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 11:57am

It was reported by RHS in 2019 that the sale of houseplants had soared by 50% in 2018 which suggests that more and more people are bringing plants into their home. Looking back further, the Office of National Statistics reveal that the UK spent £925,000 in Q1 in 2013 on plants and gardens compared to £1,480,000 in Q1 of 2019, that’s an impressive rise of £555,555. It is clear that houseplants have become a major trend in recent years and it is thought that there are a few different reasons that homeowners are looking to bring nature into their home.


It is believed that one of the primary reasons that people are buying house plants is urbanisation. More and more people are living in small, tight spaces in urban areas so there is much less nature around them. Plants can bring both mental and physical health benefits so those that live in these areas might find that having houseplants can help to bring relief.


Following this, owning a property is becoming increasingly difficult for the millennial generation which means that most are stuck in rentals where pets are usually forbidden and there are heavy restrictions on decorating. This means that houseplants are a great way to have something to nurture and a way to improve the visual style of a room without making any major changes. Plants are also an affordable way to do this too.

Social Media

Social media is another reason why more and more people are filling their homes with plants. In 2019, there was significant growth in the hashtag #houseplant and this in itself could be for a few reasons. One reason is that it allows people to show off their interior decorating skills but also because there is a social media trend for self-care and mental health with health plants proven to have a calming effect and mental health benefits. You will often see people opting for comfy sofas from places like Cox & Cox and calming furnishings like spherical lighting.

A Lasting Trend

Trends come and go but it is easy to see the houseplant trend sticking around for a long time. People will always crave greenery and nature and this is hard to come by for many living in urban landscapes so a houseplant can be a good and affordable solution for this. Additionally, the difficult cycle that many millennials find themselves in with regard to renting also means that it is easy to see sales continuing for some time.

It is clear that more and more people are bringing houseplants into their home, particularly the millennial generation. It can certainly be an easy and affordable way to brighten your home and bring in nature which can bring many health advantages while improving the look and feel of the house.

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