How to make your home senior friendly

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Friday, January 3, 2020 - 5:27am

As we age, things get harder – even little tasks can start to feel like a chore. One way you can tackle this is by redoing your house, so you can make it easier for you to navigate and get around. After all, getting in and around your house shouldn’t be difficult! If you want to be able to make your home more senior friendly, read on for our best tips and advice.

Add a Ramp

Adding a ramp to your home is so simple, but so useful in making it that little bit easier. Do you struggle to take the bins up and down the front step? Do you find yourself tripping or catching your feet on the step more often than you’d like? Residential ramps can help, both with stability and ease. You won’t get any loose stones catching you off balance, or slippery surfaces, and you’ll be able to move things up into your house much easier than you would with a step, like your shopping for example.

If you use a wheelchair, it also goes that one step further in giving you more control over your life, and makes it much easier for you to get around the house without needing assistance. Adding a ramp is not only simple, but great value for money, and is sure to make things much more comfortable for you.

No-Skid Surfaces

Balance is something that starts to fade with old age, and once you start to lose that stability, slippery surfaces like bathroom tiles and the inside of your shower can become a real danger to you, as it’s much harder to keep yourself balanced, meaning you could fall and even sustain a fatal injury. Make sure you aim to put in no-skid surfaces anywhere where there may be a danger – this means in the bath, placing a non-skid mat, and considering replacing your tiles with firmer ground (or at least placing down sturdy mats). Taking these small simple steps will allow you to take a bath or use your facilities with ease, and not have to worry about falling and injuring yourself.

Easy Access Facilities

If you struggle to keep your balance, you’ll also want to invest in some grab bars for areas of the house. If you install a ramp on the front of your house, adding some bars will give you some extra security and stability in navigating, meaning you can feel more confident in moving around the house.

You’ll also want to make sure you switch up your facilities, so they’re easier to access – which means no high cupboards, no low drawers, and plenty of seating. This will make your life much more comfortable and easier, as you won’t need to bend down or reach up and risk losing your balance or injuring yourself. Buying a stool for the shower can also make washing and bathing a lot easier, meaning it can go back to being something you enjoy, rather than something you dread.

Making small adjustments around the house will help you live the happy, comfortable life you deserve.

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