A Guide to a Better Home for Autumn

Authored by BHTNews.com
Posted Saturday, December 12, 2020 - 6:03am

With colder months just around the corner, we need to start preparing our homes for the cooler season. The following tips should help you make your home a bit more attractive and welcoming, even during the coldest days of the year.

Find And Revive Your Cosy Bedding

Now it's time to reach out for those down comforters, thick sheets and warm blankets. Wash them or dry clean them and keep them handy for the freezing nights that will soon be here. Don't wait until it gets too cold to fall asleep at night to prepare your cosy bedding for the winter. Do it now, while there's still time, visit Voyage and get your home cosy for winter.

Inspect Your Chimney And Your Fireplace

The fireplace will surely make the attraction of your long winter days. My family has always enjoyed those cold evenings, sitting by the fire and catching up with each other while enjoying a hot cup of tea and some chocolate chip cookies. Now it's the best time to inspect your chimney and your fireplace and maybe to give them a good cleaning. A chimney fire is the last thing you'd want to see in your home this fall.

Start Your Firewood Pile

If you haven't started to worry about your firewood for the cold season, now it's just about time to do it. Make sure you buy enough firewood to last through the entire winter and store it in a special rack outside your house. If you don't have such a rack, you can build one by following one of the many DIY tutorials on YouTube.

Inspect Your Heating Systems

Whatever your heating system, it's a good idea to have it carefully inspected before the winter. Also, make sure you change the filters on your furnace as many times as needed. This is a method to keep tabs on your electricity bills throughout fall and winter.

Plant Your Autumn Bulbs For Spring Plants

Many flowers that bloom in spring require planting in the autumn. Do it before the ground freezes. Next spring you'll enjoy your tulips, daffodils, lily and whatever other such flowers you prefer.

Prepare Your Toolbox For The Cold Season

Make time to take a closer look at the tools in your shed or in your garage and get all your autumn and winter tools together to find them with ease in the event of an emergency. Also, keep them in an easy to reach the place, in order to avoid having to trek through the snow to get your shovel.

Tools for the autumn: broom, rake, leaf blower, gardening stuff

Tools for winter: a snow shovel, snow blower, ice scraper

You'll be happy to have them stored in a safe place by the time of the first snowstorm.

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