3 top tips for first-time homebuyers

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 10:02am

Beginning your climb up the property ladder is a very exciting experience. As a first-time buyer, you still have the best chapters of your life laid out ahead of you, so it’s no wonder you’re eager to be handed the keys to your new home.

No matter how excited you may be at this time, there are still several important tasks that you need to tend to in order to ensure that your dream of owning a home doesn’t turn into a nightmare. By forgetting to tend to even the smallest of details, you could very well end up derailing your move or missing out on your dream home entirely.

Put the three top tips listed below into practice, and you’ll be sure to make your life as a first-time homebuyer a whole lot easier.

1. Start saving early

Even before you know where you want to live or what type of property you want to invest in, you should be saving up for your big move. The earlier you start putting money aside each month, the easier you’ll find it to make that all-important first step onto the property ladder.

2. Make use of saving boosts and bonuses

To ensure that your first foray into the world of real estate is a smooth and successful one, you should be sure to make use of all the saving boosts and bonuses that are offered to you. 

In this instance, the best thing that you can do is open up your own Help to Buy ISA; this type of equity loan will provide you with a financial boost once you’ve managed to save enough for a deposit on your first home. If you do wish to tap into this kind of initiative, be sure to act with haste. The deadline for opening such an account is 30 November 2019, so there really is no time to be wasted in this instance. Once you open your account, you will have until 1 December 2030 to claim the monetary bonus offered to you.

3. Partner up with professionals 

You aren’t going to find your dream home alone, that’s for sure! You’re going to need a crack team of experts by your side if you’re to unearth the best properties and the most lucrative deals. It is essential, then, that you seek to partner up with the following professionals once you decide to take your first step onto the property ladder:

Estate agent

Partner up with an estate agent that has experience in helping first-time buyers find the perfect property for them and their budget. You can find and compare the best agents in your local area at Estate Agent Finder

Mortgage advisor 

Having a mortgage advisor at your side during your buying process will help you to circumvent the various financial challenges of being a first-time buyer.


A conveyancer will check all potential properties for you to ensure that they are not over-priced or inhabitable.

If you don’t want to run into any difficulties when you decide to step onto the property ladder, be sure to put the above advice into practice.

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