The Real Reasons Why Glamping is Excellent for Your Health and Wellbeing

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Thursday, September 3, 2020 - 1:43pm

Spending time outdoors is good for everyone, and this is an indisputable fact. The time you spend outdoors – even if you just engage in a walk around your neighbourhood for 30 minutes – can vastly improve your outlook and emotional health, and if you were to spend even more time outdoors – say, a day or two in the midst of nature’s elements – this can make a vast amount of difference to how you take on and view the world.

One of the best ways for you to enjoy nature is by camping, of course, but if the idea of camping in the traditional way somehow puts you off, there is another, better alternative: glamping.

Glamping is camping on steroids, and with glamping, you can enjoy nature while still enjoying the modern creature comforts you've grown accustomed to. But why else should you try glamping in a luxurious safari tent, log cabin, or other beautiful accommodation? Here are the real reasons why glamping is excellent for your health and wellbeing.

  • Enjoy nature’s beauty at its finest

Camping aficionados will always say that one of the best parts of waking up in a tent is that all you have to do is spread the tent flaps, and you are instantly at one with nature, soaking in nature's beauty in the morning and at night. It makes you feel alive, and there is a certain freedom to being in a tent and so close to the ground that makes it a truly wonderful experience.

But, if you're not into camping in a standard tent, you can always opt for something more luxurious and comfortable, such as safari tents UK. You can essentially outfit your very own safari tent with whatever modern amenities you desire, and these tents can be made as luxurious as possible – helping you enjoy nature’s beauty at its finest without any discomfort whatsoever.

  • Get the fresh air you need

Fresh air is vital to us, of course, and we need it to live. But most of us spend too much time cooped up indoors, which can definitely be detrimental to our health.

When you go glamping, you can spend as much time in the open air as you want, breathing in the clean smell of the atmosphere and the green, leafy forest smells around you. Breathing in the fresh air in the woods or forest can release endorphins, which, in turn, help us feel better and more rejuvenated.

  • Enjoy the best camping treats without the hassle

One of the foremost attractions of going camping is the food, of course – from hot dogs roasted on the bonfire to marshmallow and graham cracker sandwiches shared with loved ones and friends. And there is absolutely nothing quite like enjoying your coffee or tea in the morning with the sound of birds and other forest creatures waking up around you.

If you love camp food but aren't prepared to slave away in front of a campfire or make do with basic kitchen utensils, then glamping is for you. Enjoying good food not only fills our bellies but lifts our spirits, and there's no better way to bond with others than by sharing a meal with them – without the hassle, of course.

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