8 Tips to Conquer Camping

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted Friday, July 2, 2021 - 12:36pm

Camping offers families a way to get away from the hustle of a big city. However, it can seem overwhelming if you have never camped before. Everyone must start somewhere, and expert campers are a great resource of information and funny mishaps to avoid. You may need to learn some things the hard way, but tips and tricks reduce the surprises.

Tip 1 – Know Your Gear

The worst thing you can do is wait until you get to your campsite to test new gear. Tents set up differently, so always take the time to get to know your gear. Whenever you get new equipment, whether it is lanterns, stoves, or tents, test them out at home first. Set up your tent in the backyard and practice several times so you know exactly how it works. This is also a great time to apply extra waterproofing or treatments to make the material more durable. Make sure your lanterns are working and even see how comfortable your sleeping bag is. Finally, if you are using an inflatable mattress to improve sleeping conditions, check for holes. The more comfortable you are with your gear, the less time it will take you to set up camp.

Tip 2 – Ensure Tent is Big Enough

A common flaw of beginner campers is to purchase a tent that does not have enough space for everyone on the trip. Most tents sold now break down and pack very easily into a vehicle, regardless of the set-up size. Therefore, when purchasing a shelter for your group, look for one that sleeps one to two more people than you plan to vacation with. This means if you are a family of four, your tent should sleep six to eight people comfortably. After you receive your tent and set it up, have everyone walk around inside it together and make sure it will work for you. You want to make sure everyone has space to sleep but also room for their belongings.

Tip 3 – Use Lists

Never rely on your memory when it comes to taking a vacation. While you might be able to replace a few items if you stay at a hotel in a big city. However, when you are camping, you are out in the middle of nowhere. The first list you want to create is the one that ensures you purchase everything you need and mark it complete after you have tested it out to make sure it works. The second list is the packing list. You will want to section this off into each area, and a few ideas include:

  • Tent
  • Food
  • Bathroom
  • Activities
  • Clothing
  • Vehicle

Tip 4 – Arrive During Daylight

Regardless of how experienced you are with camping, it is always best to arrive at your campsite when it is still daylight. First, you are making things easier on yourself. You will be able to set up your tents and area while you can still see everything. You will also be able to take some time to become oriented with the layout of the campgrounds. Secondly, you will not start your vacation by irritating your neighbors by making a lot of noise when they are winding down for the night. This is especially true if you plan on using a generator as a power source to inflate beds.

Tip 5 – Create Menus

Menu planning is often ignored by beginner campers. Unfortunately, this often causes food rationing or trips to the nearest convenience store. While you are creating your lists, create a detailed list for meals. You will need to know how many people are eating, how many meals you need, and then factor in extra snack times. You want to make sure you have ample cooler space for your foods and drinks, as well as a plan to keep everything cool. Plan on shopping for groceries a few days before your trip. Expert campers will take a few hours to separate everything and vacuum seal to keep it fresh. Do not forget about the condiments, as you can stock up on individual packets at gas stations long before your trip to make dressing your food easier.

Tip 6 – Follow the Rules

When you are selecting a campground, read the fine print for rules. Not all locations allow you to consume alcohol, and many sites have quiet hours. Sound travels amazingly well in remote locations, so be courteous of your neighbors. You will want to make sure your music is turned down to allow others the ability to sleep. When orienting yourself with the campground, make sure you know the paths to take so you do not walk through someone else’s campsite. Not following the rules can get you evicted before you want, but being considerate of others has the potential to create new camping friends.

Tip 7 – Overpack Clothing

Many new campers want to pack light and often fail to bring enough clothes. While watching the weather before you leave will give you a good idea of what to expect, Mother Nature likes to change quickly. Always make sure you pack items for occasional rain showers and a sweatshirt for chilly nights. You can always leave emergency clothing in your vehicle if you need to conserve space inside your tent. There are no laundry facilities, so consider bringing a few extra outfits to change if you become sweaty or dirty during an activity.

Tip 8 – Avoid Weather, but Plan as Possibility

The best way to make a pleasant camping experience is to plan for anything. You can watch the weather and make sure you avoid severe storms or extreme temperatures. However, as mentioned above, you will want to plan for surprises that Mother Nature may bring. This means do not camp when there is heavy rain or snow predicted but make sure you have extra tarps to cover your belongings. Finally, if a storm is moving through right before you camp, take into consideration the different ground conditions you will face. You may end up fighting mud or leftover snow even if the weather is decent when you show up.

Whether you are camping alone, with your family, or with a large group of friends, these tips will help ensure a successful vacation. It is wise to have your first few camping trips near your home so you can retreat quickly during the learning process. However, once you get the feel of how to best be prepared, check out Gordale Scar Campsite for your next vacation and put these tips to the test.

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