4 Ways to Consume CBD for Long-Lasting Health Benefits

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Wednesday, September 9, 2020 - 10:31am

CBD or cannabis has been legalized in a multitude of countries worldwide because of the various health benefits that you can get when you consume it in different forms. It helps reduce pain and decrease stress levels exponentially. However, just like any chemical out there some ways of consumption are more effective than others and are much more effective and last for longer. 

Here, you are going to find four different effective ways to consume CBD so that the health benefits you receive last longer.

1- Edible Cannabis-Infused products

This is a very popular method of receiving your desired dosage. Usually, people add extract or oil into different recipes so that they can enjoy food and at the same time consume CBD. This method is quite effective because you are ingesting cannabis. However, you will need to be careful when adding the oil so that you do not add too much or too little. Adding too little is going to make its effects weaker. You can always follow recipes found online so that you do not accidentally add the wrong amount.

2- Inhalation

This type of consumption is well-known. It is one of the easiest ways to consume CBD and is especially popular among smokers and people who enjoy vaping. You can inhale it in two ways. The first is by smoking it as though it was a regular cigarette, and the other is by using a vape. When using a vape, you are inhaling the vapor, which is going to have a much more intense effect without as many health risks. This is because you are not exposing your respiratory system to other toxic material, you are just taking in the CBD vapor from your vape pen. There are different places where you can get CBD vape liquids, especially if you are looking for ones to buy in the UK since there are various websites online that provide such products. You can even have different flavors for vape liquid. Another way of inhaling CBD is by using a vaporizer however, it is not as effective as smoking and using a vape pen.

3- Tincture

A tincture is a mixture of cannabis extract with other ingredients that add flavor. Sometimes, a specific amount of alcohol is added to the tincture. This can be easily consumed by people who need it for its health benefits because it is simply consumed using a dropper. You add a drop of the liquid mixture under your tongue and just wait for the effects to kick in. It is a very quick method of consuming CBD and can be very effective. Using a tincture is quick because you are directly ingesting the extract rather than waiting for it to be digested with food or inhaled.

4- Pills and Capsules

The last way of consuming CBD to get the maximum effect is by taking it in the form of pills or capsules. These are often prescribed with a specific dosage assigned so that you can take the right amount for your health issues. Pills and capsules are usually taken by older people who do not want to smoke or vape and would rather take their prescribed cannabis as part of their medicine rather than in other recreational forms. This however does not mean that it is any less effective than the above-mentioned consumption methods.

Now you are aware of the top four effective methods of consumption. You can easily decide for yourself which would work best in your case. Remember that while all of these are quite effective, there are still some varying degrees according to how much CBD is being consumed and how fast your metabolism is in case of ingestion.


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