Why you should try CBD oil massage? Here are the solid tips of relaxations

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, August 6, 2020 - 8:02am

CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is a non-psychoactive and anti-inflammatory drug.

CBD creams and oils are inherently therapeutic for the mind and the body. As per a report by the World Health Organisation, CBD oils have potential health benefits. It provides relief from common health issues, including anxiety, depression, and acne.

What Is a CBD Oil Massage?

A CBD oil massage is just like a traditional rub-down. The only difference is that it is performed with CBD-infused oil.

It is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. A CBD oil massage reduces inflammation within muscles and joints.

How Does CBD Massage Oil Works?

The endocannabinoid system regulates cognitive and physiological processes, including the immune system, pain-sensation, and mood.

The system consists of primarily two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, found in the brain, nervous system, and peripheral organs and tissues, including the skin.

When CBD massage oil is applied topically over the skin, it manipulates the body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD binds to a TRPV1 receptor that has a positive influence on CB1 and CB2 receptors and indirectly mitigates pain.

Reasons to Try CBD Oil Massage

CBD oil massage provides a relaxing effect on the body. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of our body and induces beneficial effects.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of the CBD oil massage to understand why you should try it.

1- The Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation occurs as a natural protective response in the form of redness, swelling, pain, and stiffness to protect the body from infection. CBD has anti-inflammation properties that help calm overactive sebum glands in the skin.

The oil infused with CBD has linoleic acid, which is essential for the synthesis of hormones. It regulates the natural oils of the skin, which can cause inflammation if built up in the skin.

When applied topically to the areas affected, CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory effects decrease inflammation and relieve any discomfort.    

2- Change Skin Temperature & Improves Skin Conditions

CBD oil massage not only helps you feel relaxed, but it also helps with skin conditions. It acts as a protector, holding moisture in to keep skin soft and healthy.

CBD oil has linoleic acid, a fatty acid, used in cosmetic and personal care products. It is used as emollients or moisturizers for skin, nails, and hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD also soothe the skin.

The sebaceous glands secrete sebum substance, which results in oily skin and obstructed pores. A study by the Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that CBD helps suppress sebocyte proliferation by activating the TRPV4 receptor.

3- Eliminating Chronic Pain

People who suffer from back pains, arthritis, or chronic pain can reap the benefits of CBD oil massage. It increases the blood flow in the affected areas, warming muscles and alleviating tension.

CBD oil massage helps relieve pain by releasing enzymes throughout the central nervous system that promote balance in the body. It even soothes muscles and reducesinflammation (a major player in chronic pain).

4- Alleviate Stress & Anxiety

CBD helps reduce anxiety by stimulating neurotransmitter systems and neural regeneration that regulates mood. It binds to a serotonin receptor, 5-HT1A, which has the strongest role in anxiety disorders.

Massage with oil infused with CBD induces a soothing and calming effect that helps you to alleviate anxiety and stress. The impacts of a CBD oil massage generally last for two to three hours.

5- Stimulates the Senses

Getting a CBD oil massage stimulates the senses, including your skin, muscles, and mind.

The human body sheds dead skin cells. However, some remain on the surface area, making your skin hard and affecting its pores. CBD oil massage helps clear those unclog pores, making your skin feel more refreshing.

6- Boosts Your Mood

Our moods fluctuate throughout the day. In some cases, these fluctuations become extreme and disrupt our ability to function normally. It also improves the health of the hippocampus, which controls emotions in the human brain.

A CBD oil massage improves the blood flow to the brain and lowers the neuroinflammation. This elevates the experience and makes you feel relaxed and less stressed.

7- Increased Muscle Relaxation

CBD has anti-anxiety properties and the ability to induce calming, relaxing effects.

CBD oil massage helps relax and ease your muscles. CBD oil massage decreases joint and muscle pain. It helps relieve sore muscle discomfort and recover slowly.

Tips for Relaxations

Follow the below tips to reap the benefits of CBD oil massage.

  • Get in a relaxing state of mind. Dim the lights, light some candles, turn on calming music and take deep breaths to relax your body.
  • Clean and dry your skin to remove any dirt. It ensures that the CBD oil penetrates your skin properly.
  • Massage firmly onto your skin. Rub on pressure points and concentrate on specific areas of discomfort.
  • To get the most of CBD oil massage, do it at least twice every week for two-three months. It is very healing and therapeutic in the long term.

Final Verdict

CBD oil massage helps relieve pains, alleviate stress, and boost your mood. A regular massage works like magic, providing relaxation, stimulating the senses, and reducing inflammation. If you haven’t tried CBD oil massage, now is the time!


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