Hair loss

What Is The Most Effective Hair Loss Treatment?

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Wednesday, December 23, 2020 - 2:16pm

The issue of losing excess hair can be temporary or permanent, and It is much more common In men. There are many factors with a potential contribution to losing hair. There are also many treatment options available to help men handle it. This article will provide you with essential pieces of information about this topic and the conclusion of the most suitable method of treating unfortunate hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, causes the majority of incidences of male hair loss. However, there are many other reasons a man losses his hair. Hormonal changes and some medical conditions are the second-most common causes of losing excess hair. Other reasons include taking some medications, including birth control pills, as well as receiving radiation therapy. Hair loss can also be caused by a particularly stressful event. Even hairstyle treatments can significantly contribute to losing hair. 


Medications that can be bought over the counter that help treat hair loss typically come in the form of foams or other topical ointments. The most common medications are minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil appears to prolong the growth period of hair, which results in a higher number of hair strands. It also widens the hair follicle, which causes a thicker strand of hair to grow. Finasteride works by decreasing the amount of a hormone called DHT that causes hair follicles in the scalp to become thinner.

Laser Combs

These are the newest form of hair loss treatment. The laser comb is a device that emits red beams of light. Making contact with the scalp, these combs aims to provide cosmetic benefits to the skin and hair. It is claimed that this light stimulates hair follicles. However, the exact mechanism of how laser combs work is under investigation since this treatment has mixed results. It is shown to work well only when combined with other forms of treatment. Since it still has to be tested more, it is not advised to go for it as the first choice.

Hair transplant

Hair transplantation is arguably the most effective hair regrowth procedure in the world. A hair transplant is a medical procedure that involves obtaining hair follicles from a donor area of a patient’s scalp or even other parts of their own body and planting them into the balding areas of their head. This process is also called Follicular Hair Transplantation. Finding the best doctor to do the job is a crucial step in this situation. If you are looking for a Manchester based clinic, be assured they offer the most professional staff in this field. 

How does the hair transplant work?

The procedure is generally done in local anesthetics, but you can request sedation to stay asleep. Hair transplantation can be done using two major methods - Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both involve planting hair follicles from a donor site to a recipient site. The major difference is that FUE does not involve extracting a strip of skin from the back or side of the head. In this method, individual hair follicles are collected directly from the scalp and then inserted into small holes made in the recipient site.

Hair transplant benefits

This treatment has shown to have to greatest benefits of all so far. While some topical treatments may offer some help with thinning hair issues, a hair transplant procedure offers hope for those suffering from balding patches and more severe hair loss. It provides a more reliable and permanent solution as well as a greatly improved appearance. Additionally, the procedure is usually a one-time process, so you don’t have to continue spending large amounts of money trying to maintain healthy hair. 

Recovery and maintenance

Once the surgery is done, the treated area may be swollen, and you will likely feel pain or soreness at the transplant site as well as in the area where hair was taken from. You might be prescribed pain relief medications, anti-inflammatories, and some antibiotics. However, there are no special chemicals or shampoos needed to have or maintain hair density. Low maintenance is another benefit of having a hair transplant procedure. Since transplanted hair works like regular hair, it requires just minimal maintenance. There is also no need for special chemicals or shampoos to have or manage hair density. 


Now that we have looked into the major methods of hair loss treatments, it is easy to promote hair transplant as a number one option when you get seriously concerned about how your hairline looks. Having all the benefits mentioned above in mind will surely ease a decision-making process when it comes to dealing with the loss of excess hair. 


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