Struggling to Sleep? Here Are 3 Simple Ways to Get a Better Night’s Rest

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 8:32am

Many of us struggle to get to sleep at night or end up waking up through the dark, tossing and turning. Even if you do manage to snooze for a few hours, disrupted sleep can leave you feeling like you haven’t nodded off at all and can result in being exhausted and cranky throughout the day.

If that sounds familiar, then it might be time to get to grips with the issue. Read on for some suggestions on how you can get a better night’s rest.

Cut back on screen time

If your bedtime routine consists of watching TV or scrolling the phone until you start to nod off, then that might be one of the first things you need to address. Using screens close to bedtime can lead your brain to feel too alert, and prevent you from getting to sleep easily.

Most common screens such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones emit blue light, which can trick your brain into thinking it is daylight, reducing the production of melatonin, which is necessary to promote sleep. While you don’t need to ditch screens entirely, it’s a good idea to turn them off at least an hour or two before you plan to go to bed. Instead, try doing an activity that doesn’t involve screens, such as reading, playing a board game, or simply having a chat.

Try changing your diet

If you find yourself too alert before bedtime, then you might want to review your diet, especially your caffeine intake. Even a cup of coffee in the late afternoon can impact how you feel later in the evening, as the stimulating effects of caffeine can linger on for hours.

You may want to experiment with reducing the amount of caffeine and other stimulating substances you have during the day and see if that helps. Alternatively, you can also try adding such as CBD oil from, which can help to encourage more relaxation and better sleep.

Create a bedtime routine

Having a routine before you go to bed each night can, over time, help to encourage better sleep by reminding your brain and body that it’s time to wind down. You might want to start by turning off screens and putting away phones, spending some time reading, and having a relaxing drink such as chamomile tea.

By sticking to a consistent daily routine, over time, you may find that you get to sleep more quickly and easily as your body begins to anticipate what is in store. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and you may find that while some people can get to sleep very easily, for others, it can still take a long time to wind down. In this case, listening to soothing sounds, such as gentle music, white noise, or even having the radio on at a low volume, can be a great way to settle down a busy mind.

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