Innovative ways to prevent hair loss

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - 10:53am

Hair loss can be a distressing and stressful experience, whether that is due to an illness, chemotherapy, anxiety, or you are simply prone to balding. Regardless of the reason, hair loss can affect both men and women. In general, most people tend to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day through brushing and washing. As new strands grow to replace lost ones, most people will not notice the difference. However, if fewer or no strands grow back as normal, this may result in a receding hairline. Within this article, you will find some innovative techniques you can use to stimulate hair growth and reverse hair loss.

Use A Suitable Shampoo

Shampoo is supposed to help cleanse your hair of dirt and excess oil. However, there are many commercial shampoos, which contain harmful ingredients and can be detrimental to your hair health. This is because, after a single use, they can reduce the natural oils and fatty acids, which make your hair strong and healthy. Therefore, it is recommended to use a shampoo that is mild and suited to your hair type. Be sure to read the ingredients carefully and choose a brand that is as close to all-natural as possible. If you have been losing excess hair, you can try switching up your products.

Switch To Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking has been found to cause hair loss in many different ways, such as damaging the DNA of your hair follicles and reducing the blood circulation to your scalp. This is why it may be a good idea to consider electronic cigarettes instead. Check out this guidance to understand how vaping can help you reduce the risk of hair loss, if you are a smoker. There are many factors involved, so it is important to learn more about the effects of smoking. Apart from poor blood circulation, smoking may also weaken your immune system and increase your chances of bacterial infections.

Avoid Hot Showers

Taking overly hot showers can have a negative effect on your scalp, as it can strip it of the essential oils, necessary to protect it. As a result, this can cause dryness and inflammation, leading to hair breakage. When washing your hair, it is advisable to use warm water first and then switch to cooler water to rinse it. To prevent hair breakage, you may want to let your hair dry naturally, gently dry it with a towel, or blow-dry it on the slowest setting. This is because overblowing can cause fine strands to flatten.

Massage Your Scalp

Scalp massage has been shown to increase hair density by improving blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles. This can also stimulate the activity of genes responsible for promoting hair growth. Keep in mind that a scalp massage is usually done more gently than other areas of your body. Remember to use your fingerprints only and apply light to medium pressure to your scalp. Then, you can work your way across the scalp to cover all areas. If you are pressed for time, you may want to use the same technique while washing your hair in the shower.

Improve Your Diet

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is necessary not just for the health of your body, but also for your hair. While it is crucial to include all essential vitamins in your diet, there are some that can support hair growth better than others. For example, vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which is the connective tissue, found in hair follicles. Some foods to incorporate include oranges, bell peppers, strawberries, and broccoli. Similarly, vitamin B is key to achieving healthy skin and hair and can be found in dark leafy greens, nuts, and avocadoes.

Manage Stress Levels

Managing stress levels effectively can be a great way to reduce your risk of further hair loss. There are many stress-management techniques you can try to learn what works best for you. For instance, incorporating exercise into your routine can help you eliminate stress and improve your mood. You can try going for a brisk walk, practising yoga, or even some garden work. Another important strategy to combat stress is to engage in your favourite hobbies or take some time each day to write about your feelings. In addition, meditation and breathing exercises can help you improve your alertness and concentration.

Avoid High-Heat Hair Styling Tools

While hair styling tools can be useful in giving your hair that perfect look, they can leave your hair frizzled. Curling irons and hair straighteners can make your hair follicles dehydrated, which can damage your hair over time.  Not using hair styling tools at all may not be feasible for you, but you should be mindful about protecting your hair. To ensure optimum hair health, it is crucial to wait until your hair is completely dry before you use a curling iron or straightener. Also, remember to adjust the temperature according to the thickness and texture of your hair.

Use A Soft Brush

It is important to use a soft boar bristle brush with natural fibres, as this will stimulate healthy sebum oil levels in your hair. This type of brush is suitable for any type of hair, as it is gentle and can detangle even the worst knots.  When brushing your hair, it is advisable to start from the top and continue through to the ends of your hair. If you brush in one direction, you will help smooth and condition your hair on a molecular level. Also, brushing your hair regularly will prevent you from seeing clumps in the shower drain.

Look Into Underlying Causes

There may be an underlying cause, which has led to your hair loss. For example, this may be due to genetics, stress, hormonal changes, medications, damaging haircare, or medical conditions. This is why, it is best to work with a dermatologist, who can help you identify the reason for your hair loss. A doctor will ask you about your health, family history, and medications. It may also be useful to keep track of any unusual events, as this will make it easier to go back and look for triggers.

Try Aromatherapy

Another great technique to prevent hair from falling out is the use of some essential oils. For example, both lavender and peppermint oils have been shown to stimulate hair growth. These oils are ingredients in a variety of specialty shampoos and conditioners. However, as they are highly concentrated, they can be quite effective even in small amounts. Keep in mind that before applying any essential oil onto your scalp, you should do a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure you are not allergic.

Consider A Hair Transplant Surgery

If you have already experienced significant hair loss, you may want to look into hair transplant surgery. It is an ideal solution for both men and women, looking to achieve a more youthful appearance. As a result, you will not have to worry about receding hairline or baldness, as a hair transplant surgery will tackle your hair-related issues. Moreover, the results can be unnoticeable, allowing for a more natural-looking hairline. Not only can this improve your self-esteem, but your new hair will also be easier to manage. There will be no need to apply special shampoos or chemicals to maintain thickness, as long as you have post transplant hair cream.


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