How to maintain good mental health

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Monday, July 29, 2019 - 10:29am

In the past mental illness was considered a taboo topic. Fortunately, nowadays, people are able to open up with each other better and communicate their issues without the same level of fear of judgement. Since people are living longer thanks to medical and technological advancements, mental health has become more of a visible subject for discussion. Caring for your mind is vital to leading a happy, healthy life. Here are some ways you can manage your mental health.

Start with Your Body

The mind and body are not separate entities that have completely different requirements. Although it is tempting to view them as distinct, seeing your body and mind as closely connected will help you improve both your mental and physical health. In a similar way that mental motivation is what pushes a person to excel at physical fitness, treating your body with care leads to a healthier mind. While illnesses such as depression and anxiety can reduce your desire to seek out activity, simply keeping your body healthy is an important step towards improving the chemical balances in your mind.


Even introverted people require the company of others to maintain good mental health. Often the family is recommended as the first stop for people who feel like they are suffering from mental illness, however not everyone is able to talk about their issues with relatives for a variety of reasons. Connecting with friends, even if you haven’t spoken in a while, can be therapeutic. They can offer advice, support or just a willing ear. If you find that socialising is one of your main mental health concerns, see the next step. Socialising doesn’t just need to be with humans; a pet or therapy animal can work wonders.

Professional Help

It can be difficult tackling mental illness without guidance. Friends and family are important but they are unlikely to have all the information necessary to give you all the support you might need. Organisations such as the National Counselling Society can provide more information on professionals with a qualified background in mental health. Seeking help is an excellent first step for anyone wishing to improve their mood and overall wellbeing. Depending on the kind of professional you consult, you may be offered talking therapies, group sessions or medication. Although a professional opinion is valuable, knowing yourself and your mental health goals are also important, and you shouldn’t feel obliged to accept something unless you agree that it will help you in the long term.

Refresh and Start Again

Sometimes after trying everything to boost your happiness you might feel that nothing has truly worked for you. Different methods work for different people and to various extents. Mental illness can sometimes feel all-consuming and inescapable. This is where it is wise to change direction in your approach and opt for a route that you may have previously ignored. You may be surprised by how much better you feel after trying something you might have been sceptical about before, such as meditation or group therapy. Your mental health is too important to neglect.

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