Brilliant Ways to Relax at Home

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Sunday, November 29, 2020 - 9:15pm

We are living in a hectic, fast-paced world and that leaves us with little to no time for ourselves. From stressful jobs to personal issues, we often get extremely stressed and exhausted both mentally and physically. After a long tiring day, you want to go home to your cozy little place and rewind - so here are some brilliant ways to relax at home!


One of the easiest ways to calm yourself down is by meditating. Now, this can take multiple forms, from doing breathing exercises or by doing yoga - this can be totally modified to suit your needs and abilities. You can create a specific schedule, or do it casually whenever you feel the need to, but it’s good to do practice meditating regularly to maintain wellbeing and keep stress levels at bay. Breathing is key when it comes to this so remember to take deep breaths and be super focused - the stress relief should come eventually, not to mention that you’ll teach your body how to calm down and meditate why you want to!

Create a Relaxing Space

Your feelings are sometimes affected by the space around you, so if you want to feel as comfy as possible you should start from there. Try rearranging your bedroom or living room, get rid of all the clutter, and create a clean space. Having a specific cozy corner in your house that’s just for yourself is such an important thing to have - it can be a reading nook or just a random sofa with all your favorite pillows and blankets, just create a safe space for yourself!

Homemade Spa

Going to the spa can be expensive, and sometimes you just want a quick fix - so why not do it yourself? To make a homemade spa, take a bubble bath, make some tea, put on your favorite facemask, and lay down for a bit. You can also check out some massage chairs if you really want to have the full experience. This way, you’ll have a full-on home spa every day! It’s important to get pampered and take extra care of yourself whenever you feel like you’re under stress. 

Comfort Cooking

Eating healthy is a must in order to maintain a good physical condition, but it’s totally fine to cheat from time to time. Food can be pretty comforting, but it can also be damaging if you rely too much on it - that’s why you should try cooking comfort foods but making them healthy! This way you’ll distract yourself with preparing and cooking the food, you’ll feel calmer and afterward, you’ll have a comforting meal, that’s also good for your health!

Take a Nap

This might be pretty self-explanatory, but not a lot of people can do this especially when they are under lots of stress. Getting essential oils made from suiting plants that help with calming down and sleeping is a must! Chamomile is also a common one that many people use, its scent is so pleasing and sweet it should calm you down pretty fast. Also, drink a cup of your favorite tea before the nap to further lull yourself to sleep! Everyone needs a nap from time to time, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping during the day, you’ll wake up relaxed and refreshed!

Work on a DIY Project

Doesn’t matter if it’s because of the university, work, or kids, because most of the time, you won’t feel like you have time for yourself. So if you feel under pressure and irritated you might want to lay low for a bit and channel your energy into something else. There are specific DIY crafts that are suited for those who are struggling with stress! This way you’ll trick your brain and distract it from the stuff that is bothering you, as you’ll spend your time and energy on making something creative. Some can be useful and some can be just random things that are calming and pleasing to make and later to look at!

Dance Around

Feeling stressed and want to let loose? Put on your ultimate favorite playlist and dance around your living room to it. You’re probably not in the mood to do so due to your struggling feelings, but maybe a little movement to your favorite songs can help. It’s all in the details, so maybe your music can calm you down and make you a bit happier!

At the end of the day, as long as you are open to it, you can be relaxed everywhere! But the most important place you should feel that way is at your home - so make sure you create a nice space for yourself, you certainly deserve it!


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