6 Hair Loss Supplements Worth Trying When Dealing With Hair Loss

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - 9:30am

Hair loss can be difficult to overcome, particularly as there are sometimes underlying issues that may be preventing the hair to grow. Though supplements can be taken to help combat hair loss through a deficiency, it is possible that an FUE hair transplant Turkey will be needed to help combat the problem and restore the hairline to its former glory. However, for those that are experiencing thinning or hair loss in the early stages a supplement may benefit you in the long term and we have some listed below. 

Biotin Supplements

Though there is no definitive answer as to whether or not biotin supplements can help to grow your hair, it is proven to help strengthen it and encourage your hair to withstand heat damage or any other damage caused when styling. These can be purchased over the counter or in a store such as Superdrug and Boots to help you keep your hair healthier for longer. 

Vitamin C And Zinc 

Another supplement that you need to take for your hair is vitamin C and Zinc as this helps the body to absorb iron and help to stimulate the scalp over time. Whether you are looking to take supplements to up your vitamin C levels, or you are looking to change your diet by including kiwis sweet potatoes and oranges, this can help to keep your hair healthier for longer. 

A Boost Of Folic Acid

Folic acid is key to the growth of hair as it is the primary response of healthy cell growth. These are cells that can be found inside hair and nails and if they become damaged can prevent growth over time as it a way of keeping red blood cells healthy in the long term. Though it can take time for supplements to work into the system, this can help cells to regenerate quickly without having to use any harsh chemicals or other forms of medication.

Omega 3 To Help Boost Shine And Strength 

Omega 3 are important fats that are not produced by the body and therefore need to be provided by your diet. These are necessary oils that keep your scalp healthy and hydrated. Though there are supplements available on the market to help with this, omega three can also be found in oily fish, avocado and even pumpkin seeds. This can benefit your hair growth in the long term as it ensures that the scalp is healthy with the right amount of natural oils. 

Iron Can Help To Strengthen Hair 

A lack of iron in your system can end in less hair in the follicle thus causing disruption to the hair growth cycle. Though this does not cause hair loss in everyone, this can lead to the hair becoming brittle over time as well as falling out at the scalp. By taking iron supplements daily, you are then able to strengthen the hair and keep it in the growth stage for a significantly longer amount of time. 

Don’t Forget About Vitamin D 

The final supplement t that may be worth taking if you are experiencing hair loss is vitamin D. This not only helps to alleviate the symptoms of stress and depression, but it also helps to reproduce healthy cells over time. This is needed to maintain a healthy scalp as well as encourage the growth of healthy hair over time. If vitamin D is absent, this can lead to hair becoming brittle and falling out making it difficult to maintain a healthy level of growth. 

With this in mind, there are a number of supplements that can be taken as part of a daily routine to ensure that you have exactly what you need for your hair to grow to a healthy length and look great all year round. Which of these will you be trying first? 

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