Recipe: Potato starch gnocchi with sage-butter sauce

Val Watson
Authored by Val Watson
Posted Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 10:43pm

Potato starch gnocchi with buttery sauce, savored with sage leaves, is a wholesome meal, which is more of a potato dumpling.

Potato starch is a light and powdery starch that is generally wheat-free and gluten-free. Its significant role in gnocchi is to impart thickness. You can enjoy this recipe with top quality ingredients available at Whole Food Earth.


For gnocchi

Potatoes (4 large)

Potato starch (3/4 cup)

Eggs (2)

All-purpose flour (2 cups)

Parmesan (1/2 cup)

Salt (1 teaspoon)

For sauce

Salt (1/2 teaspoon)

Black pepper (1/2 teaspoon)

Butter (4 ounces)

Sage leaves (12 to 15)

Chopped garlic (2 cloves)

Toasted and chopped walnuts (1/4 cup)


1. Peel the potato and cut it into four pieces. Take them in a saucepan and boil them until tender. You can check the tenderness by inserting a fork; if it can be pressed easily, they are done.

2. Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, mash them with a masher or potato ricer. After that, add potato starch, all-purpose flour, parmesan, eggs, and salt to it. Mix until fully combined.

3. Fully mix the potatoes with the ingredients by folding and pressing until a firm dough forms.

4. Sprinkle the work surface with some flour to avoid sticking to the dough. Transfer the dough from the bowl to the work surface. Divide the dough into four portions of equal size.

5. Take one piece and roll it into a long log of 1/2 inch thickness. Cut the log into small pieces of 1 inch with a knife or any cutter. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining pieces of dough. In the meantime, bring the pot of salted water to a boil over a high flame.

6. To make the fine grooves on the gnocchi dough, use the gnocchi board or fork. Press the dough lightly with your hand on the gnocchi board or on the tines of a fork. Make sure to use flour while doing this to prevent sticking. Also, keep each gnocchi piece separate from each other, as they get stuck easily.

7. When the water is boiled, reduce the flame to medium heat. Now add the gnocchi and cook for almost 2 to 3 minutes. Once the gnocchi float, scoop them out with a slotted spoon and place them in a separate bowl. Repeat the step with the remaining gnocchi.

8. Take a saucepan and add butter to it. Melt it on a medium flame until it shows a foamy appearance. Now add the sage leaves to the melted butter and cook it for a minute until it becomes crispy.

9. After that, add garlic, walnuts, salt, and pepper. Cook it for a couple of minutes until the butter becomes brown and aromatic.

10. Add the cooked gnocchi to the pan and stir it to combine until the gnocchi is well coated with the sauce. Serve it and enjoy.

Spectrum of taste

Gnocchi doused in butter and sage sauce makes it the ultimate comfort food. Starchy potatoes add an earthy taste and are gluten-free. Savoriness of sage butter sauce is a game changer.

Pairing a combination with any sauce

Although sage butter sauce pairs well with gnocchi. However, feel free to experiment with any kind of sauce such as pesto, marinara sauce or Sunday sauce.

Best potatoes for gnocchi

Generally, the best variety of potatoes for gnocchi is russet potatoes. The reason is that these potatoes are dry, hold less water, and require less flour, due to which gnocchi attains a good overall texture. If you want a better taste, you can choose Yukon Gold potatoes.

Baking or boiling the potatoes

You can choose either way, but it generally depends on the type of potato that you are using. If you are using russet potatoes, boiling is the best option. Baking is a good choice when using Yukon Gold potatoes. In addition to that, if you are in a hurry, then boiling the potatoes will speed up the process.

Perfect gnocchi dough formation

While working on the dough do not knead the dough, like we do while making bread. If you overwork the dough, it will develop gluten, and the gnocchi will become hard and gummy. Just gently fold and press the dough with your hands.

The best way to store gnocchi

To store freshly made gnocchi, take a baking sheet and sprinkle some semolina flour. Lace gnocchis on the sheet in such a way that they do not touch each other.

For organic and best-quality ingredients, visit our website,, where every ingredient tells a story.



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