Putting the art back in Dartmoor

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - 10:54am

RAMM has launched a new web app linking the stunning paintings of the Dartmoor landscape by FJ Widgery with the scenes that they portray. Many of these paintings can be seen in the current exhibition Masters of the Moor.

The app will help smartphone and tablet users explore the moor, find the scenes portrayed in the paintings and share their thoughts and images of Dartmoor through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The web app can be found at http://www.mastersofthemoor.org.uk

Funded by Arts Council England, the app is web based so there’s no need to download it.

The web app is available to link other collections and locations, contact digital.media@exeter.gov.uk for more information.

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