5 Most relaxing anime movies for a stress-free life

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - 6:20am

Do you ever wonder why movies and TV series fail to make you feel the same as anime? Well, to put it simply most of the concepts explored in anime are so complex and out of the world that they cannot be portrayed in real-life movies. This is where anime fills in and offers you a story that is a perfect mix between fantasy and real life. Moreover, anime has perfect room for performance so you will not feel bored because of the bad acting or badly executed story.

Generally, anime explore a theme of fantasy mixed with adventure but you will also come across anime that are meant to make you feel relaxed. Unusual as it might seem they will take you into a world that has little to no connection with real life. Moreover, it also feels like you are experiencing something between the real world and some magical world straight out of the imagination of a child that cannot comprehend reality. Filled with colors, mischief, and out-of-the-box ideas, these fun movies will help you experience childhood in a completely different light.

To watch these movies you can either use a cable TV service like Optimum cable or any streaming site of your choice. Most people opt for streaming sites because they can watch at their own pace without feeling the need to rush but it can be expensive especially after the streaming sites are cracking down on password sharing. To ensure that you get value for your money, it is better to opt for a trusted cable service where you can have free access to your favorite shows and movies anytime.

5 Most Relaxing Anime Movies for Stress-Free Life

  1. Flavors of Youth

Release: 2018

Available on: Netflix

Runtime: 1hr. 15min

Genre: Romance/Drama

Animation Studio:  CoMix Wave Films and StudioCanal

Synopsis: Three different stories about the past, forgotten love, passion for food, and hidden beauty of life.

Simple, sweet, and relaxing, the movie has three different stories that will pull you into the past. From old technology to some of the most iconic daily life devices that we have forgotten now. You can enjoy this movie with a warm bowl of noodles as you tuck yourself into the blanket. The best thing about this movie is that it has short stories and rather than making you wait, the story flows at a good speed.

  1. Only Yesterday

Release: 1991

Available on: Netflix

Runtime: 1hr. 58min

Genre: Animation/Romance

Animation Studio: Studio Ghibli

Synopsis: A career woman discovers simple village life and experiences nature like never before.

A Japanese unmarried career woman takes some days off her bustling life in the city and gets to the village for harvesting seasons. Filled with bittersweet childhood memories and some family time, she experienced the natural course of life in a different light.

Light, relaxing, and extremely soothing, this movie will make you feel like someone is healing your inner child. Light Ghibli fantasy with some old animation techniques, this movie is a must-watch for every anime freak.

  1. Arrietty

Release: 2010

Available on: Netflix

Runtime: 1hr. 34min

Genre: Fantasy/Family

Animation Studio:  Studio Ghibli and The Walt Disney Company

Synopsis: A tiny family living in the house of a human develops an unlikely friendship between a sick child and a courageous girl.

The life of a miniature family turns upside down when they get discovered by the host family they are living with. From exploring the true beauty of doing nothing to a constant hustle, the movie shows a contrast between extravagance and living from hand to mouth.  

This movie will pull you into a weather of light monsoon seasons where you can enjoy a soothing sleep in the grass while enjoying a book or just enjoying the true pleasure of nothingness. Soft fuzzy and simple, this movie has the potential to offer you a perfect weekend escape.

  1. My Neighbor Totoro

Release: 1988

Available on: Netflix

Runtime: 1hr. 26min

Genre: Fantasy/Family

Animation Studio:  Studio Ghibli

Synopsis: two siblings navigate through a new house establishing life on their own under the care of their father as their mother is admitted to the hospital.

Straight out of a child’s fantasy, this movie is pure bliss. We have all been in a situation where we fantasize about having an imaginary friend and this movie explores this theme in the best possible way. From establishing an unlikely friendship to being acquainted with the new neighborhood and some fun fuzzy friends, this is a movie that you must watch at least once in your lifetime. 

  1. Castle in the Sky

Release: 1986

Available on: Netflix

Runtime: 2hr. 4min

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure

Animation Studio:  Studio Ghibli

Synopsis: an orphan child and her kidnapper get into unlikely situations, meeting new people, developing friends, and more

A very unlikely story that will make you question a lot of things. This might seem like a story that you want to enjoy with friends but it has a perfect combination of making you excited and keeping you calm. Enjoy the movie with your friends and family or just watch it on the go, this movie will help you relax and enjoy some me time.

Bottom Line

Anime has explored very unconventional topics in recent times unlike movies and TV series that have stuck to the reality and basics of human life. With such a huge anime collection, finding the best and most relaxing movies is quite challenging but above-mentioned anime movies will help you relax and unwind after a hectic day at work. 

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