Josephine Drives Forward Centre of Excellence in Kenya

Authored by bictoncollege
Posted Thursday, May 29, 2014 - 9:42am

Bicton College student Josephine Yongo is currently experiencing her first visit to the UK, whilst undertaking a 6 week course organised by the Bicton Overseas Agricultural Trust (BOAT).

Studying a specially designed intensive course including project management, leadership and communication, Josephine and 6 fellow students are seizing the opportunity offered to them by BOAT so that they can return home and engage others in effective training.

Josephine, from Kenya, manages the Rarieda Training and Resource Centre in Kisumu, which is part of the Rafiki wa Maendeleo Trust. Established in 2012, the training centre provides up skilling for local people in the areas of sustainable agriculture, vocational trades, entrepreneurship, work readiness and life skills.

Josephine says, “The course at Bicton has been brilliant so far and I have many ideas to take back to the Centre and apply. Serving very poor people from areas of rural poverty, the Centre delivers a vast range of courses from bee keeping and fish farming, to tailoring and carpentry.

My aim is to establish Rarieda as a centre of excellence, where people can learn to harness local resources and become self-sufficient. Donors come and go, but my new training will help us reach others and ensure they get the training they need to prosper independently.”

The Bicton Overseas Agricultural Trust organises for a group of students to travel to Bicton College each year from developing countries, and this year’s students are from different areas of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. As well as undertaking the training, Bicton College works with BOAT to refurbish and raffle off a vintage tractor each year to raise funds for the charity. Please visit for more information.

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