Baxter puts Exeter School 1st XV through their paces

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, September 4, 2015 - 5:48pm

The 1st XV at Exeter School, Exeter were treated to a Masterclass with none other than Exeter Chiefs' Head Coach Rob Baxter on Wednesday 2 September.

Sponsored by Westerly Exeter BMW, Exeter School were pleased to welcome Rob for the exclusive training session. A local sports celebrity in his own right, Rob played for, captained, and is now Head Coach at Exeter Chiefs, and has been supported by Westerly Exeter BMW since 2006.

Rob made history taking Exeter Chiefs through to the Rugby Premiership finishing fifth last year and winning the LV cup in 2014. Rob was also part of the England coaching team during their Argentina tour a couple of years ago.

Rob said: "Exeter School is a fantastic environment to work in with first-class facilities. It's the players that made today so enjoyable. They were very attentive, played well and worked hard. It was tricky to pick out who performed best but Joe Boddington deserved the three tickets to see the Exeter Chiefs play against London Irish in October."

Alumnus Tim Downer of Westerly BMW Exeter invited Rob to organise three master class training sessions with schools in the Devon and Somerset areas to support the Rugby World Cup locally.

Tim said: "I'm delighted to return to my old school and through Westerly BMW Exeter have the ability to sponsor this fantastic Masterclass and give back to the local community.

"We're really grateful to Rob for his time and expertise too. Let's just hope they learnt enough to win the first match of the season."

Director of Sport at Exeter School Andy Mason said he was thrilled to welcome Rob Baxter to work with the school's 1st XV squad.

Andy said: "Rob has done an excellent job of hosting the first rugby masterclass with Exeter School to complete the pre-season training for the rugby team.

"We want to thank both him and Westerly Exeter for their sponsorship of this event and would love to see this happen again in future."

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