Scheme to help sensory impaired get online comes to Exeter

Authored by Benstrange95
Posted Monday, April 11, 2016 - 3:33pm

For some of us sitting and scrolling through Facebook or playing the latest game on our tablet is something that we do not think twice about. But for people with sight or hearing issues it makes using technology somewhat difficult.

That is why the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) are offering free sessions to those with sensory issues, to help get them online and benefit from technology.

The RNIB have teamed up with Action for Blind People to deliver a session at Devon in Sight, Station House, Holman Way, Topsham, Exeter on Friday 15th April from 10am-2:30pm.

The session will help those with sensory issues to get the most out of their tablets, smart phones and eReaders as well as offer advice and support for those who need it.

Rebecca Jerrold from Action for Blind People said: “Being online can make a huge difference to someone’s life. We hope people with sight or hearing loss in Exeter will come along and find out how technology can open up a whole new world of discovery and independence.”

With millions of us using the internet daily, it is difficult to get away from the wonders of the world wide web. According to recent figures 76% of adults accessed the internet every day in 2014, that shockingly compares to the rather measly 38% in 2006. 

It is hoped that the session will attract as many people as possible in order to ensure people do not feel left out for any reason, and with a scheme like this it seems the percentage of people using the internet looks set to increase.

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