
Essentials Every Small Business Needs to Compete

In the fast moving business landscape, small businesses face fierce competition. To thrive in such an environment, it’s crucial to equip your business with the right tools and strategies. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale up, here are some essentials that every small business needs to compete effectively.

1. Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is non-negotiable in the digital age. A well-designed website that’s also easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and optimised for search engines is essential. If you don’t know where to start when it...

Liv Butler

Liv Butler


How to Support Your Staff During a Management Buyout

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Tue, 03/12/2024 - 10:09pm

A management buyout (MBO) can be an exciting and transformative event for a business, but it can also be a time of uncertainty and stress for employees. As a business owner or manager, it's essential to support your staff throughout the process and help them navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with an MBO. In this article, we'll explore some key strategies for supporting your team during this critical transition.

Communicate Clearly And Transparently

One of the most important things you can do to support your staff during an MBO is to communicate clearly...

GAG Pooling and Centralisation in MATs: 2024 Update

Multi-Academy Trust finance ‘issues and trends’ report launched by IMP Software

Authored by Phil Smith
Posted: Tue, 03/12/2024 - 12:52pm

New research by an Exeter software firm has revealed how Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are pooling funding and the opportunities and challenges facing leaders around centralising their operations.

GAG Pooling and Centralisation in MATs: 2024 Update has been developed by MAT finance specialists IMP Software and CJK Associates, who partnered to conduct a survey in November and December last year among 155 trusts in England exploring how they are evolving their approaches to needs-based budgeting.

The survey was designed to uncover the latest insights around how MAT operations...

Promotion Pitfalls to Avoid: Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Authored by Val Watson
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2024 - 11:42am

Promotion - a word that carries the weight of all your hard work, aspirations, and dreams for a better position and salary. But as much as we yearn for it, the road to getting promoted is often littered with easily avoidable mistakes. Let's dive into some common promotion pitfalls and figure out how to sidestep or leap over them gracefully.

Not Voicing Your Aspirations

The Mistake: Sometimes, we think our hard work will just show everyone what we're capable of, like magic. We wait and hope our boss will notice and offer us that step up we've been dreaming about. But waiting...

How businesses in the South West can benefit from cloud payroll software

Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2024 - 11:24pm

The simple act of ensuring your team members get paid on time and accurately can go a long way to boosting both your employee retention rates and their morale . But, if you’re an SME with a small team, or you rely on more traditional and manual payment methods, it can be easy to let standards slip with your payroll management.

However, the good news is that such a scenario can be avoided by switching up these older systems and changing to automated cloud payroll services . So if you are a business owner in the South West who has yet to make this change, be sure to read on as we’...

Major employer announcement key opportunity for South West

Authored by Program
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2024 - 7:11pm

The announcement of a major new employer locating to the Gravity smart campus in Somerset has been heralded as a key opportunity for the region.

Agratas, Tata Group’s global battery business, has been confirmed as the operator of the UK’s new battery gigafactory on the Gravity campus close to junction 23 of the M5 near Bridgwater in Somerset.

It represents a £4 billion investment in Somerset, which will directly create 4,000 new jobs and thousands more in the wider supply chain.

By the 2030’s, it is anticipated that it will be contributing almost half of the UK’s...

Rea and Carson Ride Onesies to Riches

Authored by Val Watson
Posted: Tue, 03/05/2024 - 4:13pm

Moving further into 2024, there appears little let-up in the UK cost of living crisis. Rumoured energy price decreases on the horizon provide some cause for optimism, but it is no surprise that many spend time thinking about how to make the most of their spare cash or boost their income via methods such as those outlined at .

Of course, this issue is nothing new, and the situation wasn't much better in the early 2010s. The majority accepted the state of affairs and ploughed on with the famed British spirit. Others took matters into their own hands…...

5 High Quality Wholesale Clothing Vendors

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Tue, 03/05/2024 - 9:45am

Attention boutique owners seeking to enhance inventory and draw in discerning customers! The key to making a mark in the competitive fashion landscape is filling your shelves with top-notch pieces that captivate your clientele. In a market flooded with options, the challenge lies in sourcing high-quality, one-of-a-kind items that resonate with your customers. But fret not! We've compiled a list of the top 5 boutique wholesale clothing suppliers known for their exceptional quality, sure to elevate your inventory and drive up your sales.


Every boutique's biggest need is high...

University of Exeter and Santander renew 15-year partnership to support young entrepreneurs

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 03/04/2024 - 5:11pm

The University of Exeter has signed a new funding agreement with Santander that will boost Exeter’s community of budding student entrepreneurs.

Matt Hutnell, Director of Santander Universities UK, was welcomed to the Streatham Campus earlier this month by Professor Lisa Roberts, Vice Chancellor and President of the University of Exeter, to mark the signing of a sixth funding agreement.

Santander Universities UK is a long-standing supporter of the University of Exeter, with philanthropic gifts exceeding £2m over the past 15 years.

The event recognised the impact...

How to Make Money in Your Spare Time

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Mon, 03/04/2024 - 7:01am

There are various different methods of making money from home in your spare time. However, it’s important that you choose one that will fit in with the amount of time you can spare as well as the kind of returns you’re expecting.

Some money-making ideas can be immensely lucrative, but they may take months and sometimes even years before the profit becomes anything to write home about. No doubt, one of the fastest methods of making money in the shortest amount of time is to sell products online. In order to do this successfully, though, you’ll have to follow some vital steps....

Here's What Small Business Owners Need To Know About HR

Authored by Val Watson
Posted: Sun, 03/03/2024 - 11:51pm

Human Resources (HR) is a vital aspect of any business, regardless of its size. For small business owners, understanding the fundamentals of HR is crucial for effectively managing employees, complying with employment laws , and fostering a positive work environment. In this article, we'll explore the essentials of HR for small business owners, covering key areas such as recruitment, employee relations, and legal compliance.

Understanding HR Basics

HR encompasses various functions related to managing employees throughout their employment lifecycle, from recruitment and...

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