When and how often should you pen test?

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Wednesday, July 14, 2021 - 3:31pm

In 2021 every company should be aware of the possibility of a cyber-attack. Bigger companies know that these situations are almost unavoidable. That’s why they are so eager to hire Bulletproof to help improve their security.

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is basically a simulated cyber-attack against your system to check for vulnerabilities. It can involve the attempted breaching of any number of application systems in order to uncover unsanitized inputs that are susceptible to code injection attacks and many more.

In this article, you can find information that will help you understand why, when, and how often you should pen test and how it can improve the safety of your security system. Read on and protect your business from hackers!

Why do I need to pen test?

Penetration testing is the best way to check your system for vulnerabilities. The idea of pen testing is to simulate real hackers who use sophisticated tools and techniques to break into systems. Penetration tests are not a replacement for other security measures, but they can help you determine whether your system has the necessary protection from attacks.

Most of the time, hackers will try to break into your system’s network. They will also try to obtain access to sensitive information such as credit card numbers, user names, and passwords. They will also try to invade the corporate network and may even try to find ways to alter data or disrupt operations.

The main goal of a penetration test is to find out how vulnerable your system is and what type of information hackers could access. Then, you can use this information to improve your security system and keep hackers away. Penetration tests allow you to detect weaknesses in your security system before a real attack happens.

When should you hold a penetration test?

Due to the nature of penetration testing, it is a very useful tool on an ongoing basis. Some companies realize that they need to hire penetration testers once a year, while others might hold these tests more often. For example, some companies decide that they should hold these tests at least every three months.

If you want to know if your company needs pen testing or not, just ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my company aware of its vulnerabilities?
  • Is my company always ready for a cyber-attack?
  • Is my company willing to invest in security?
  • Are my network’s security systems up-to-date?

If you answer “no” to any of these questions, then you should certainly hire penetration testing services. You might want to hold these tests more often if you are involved in e-commerce or have lots of sensitive data stored on your network.

You can also hire penetration testers when there are important events in your organization. For example, you may want to hold them before big annual meetings, around tax season when sensitive information is exchanged, or before applying for government contracts that may require stringent security measures.

How often should you hold web security tests?

Most experts agree that you should perform penetration tests at least once a year. However, some companies realize that they need more frequent tests if their systems are very vulnerable. For example, if you run multiple websites, then you probably should conduct these tests more often because each website has its own security threats. If one of your sites is hacked, then hackers could easily move from site to site until they reach the server or the database.

It is essential for all online businesses to hold web security tests regularly. Many experts also recommend holding these tests monthly or even weekly because the risk of a cyber-attack is very high nowadays. If you want to protect your business from these threats, then you should be aware of what is happening on your network and how it can be protected from attacks by professional penetration testers.

How to choose an experienced company?

There are many companies that offer penetration testing services. When choosing between them, you should consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Since this is a new field, you should avoid hiring inexperienced testers. Experienced testers will help you find vulnerabilities in your system more easily and eliminate false reports’ risks.
  • Cost: The cost of penetration testing can vary depending on the scope and the depth of the tests. You can also get discounts if you hire these services on a regular basis.
  • Previous tests: It is also essential to know how a particular company performed during previous tests. You should check for information about past clients, contact them and ask about their experiences with pen testers.
  • Responsiveness: It is essential to have an experienced team behind your security. Choose a company that will provide you a customized security solution according to your needs.


Penetration testing is one of the best ways to keep hackers away from your system. By conducting these tests on a regular basis, you can minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and protect your business from threats like phishingmessages, malware, data theft, and many others.


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