How to build a profitable photography business

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, June 2, 2020 - 9:31pm

Photography is your passion and you are sure that you have the right skills to turn it into your profession. The question now is, how do you go about building a profitable photography business from the ground up? Here are some tips to put into practice.

Get started on your business plan

Every business requires a comprehensive business plan and your photography business is no exception. Your business plan will provide you with a blueprint in terms of climbing that proverbial ladder and will also act as an invaluable tool when it comes to impressing potential investors. Be sure to include all relevant details, such as expenses, target market, cashflow, and who your main competitors are.

Secure funding

You will have several different options in terms of securing funding to start your business. Begin by carefully examining the start-up costs associated with the venture. How much will you need to invest in quality photography equipment, marketing, editing software, a website, and a studio?

Take all these expenses into consideration and evaluate exactly how much money you require. From there, you can opt to pay for everything out of your own pocket (if you have enough saved up, of course), to take out a business loan, to look for investors, or to borrow money from a friend or a relative (be very cautious with this approach!).

Get the right gear

A photographer is only as good as his or her gear, so this isn’t an aspect on which you want to skimp. Do your research into the best quality equipment and start building up your collection. A camera, lens, memory card, computer, equipment carry case, and editing software are the bare minimum that a professional photographer will require to produce great work.

Sell your photos online

When you are first starting out, your gigs are likely to be few and far between. Making money from your photos online is a wonderful way to fill the gap as your business grows. There are a variety of image bank/stock photo websites that allow you to upload your photographs and set your own pricing. Some, such as ClickASnap, even pay you when someone simply views your work even if they don’t purchase anything.

You will find that the more photos you upload, the more money you make. The process works so well that you will probably continue using these websites to make extra cash across the span of your career.

Make sure your website is up to scratch

Most photographers rely solely on digital marketing to solidify gigs and clients. A beautiful, well-functioning website that effectively showcases your skills is the heart of every successful photographer’s digital marketing strategy — so be sure that yours is 100% up to scratch. Along with focusing on the aesthetic aspects, it is also vital for you to ensure that you have perfected your SEO and optimised the overall user experience. It is always worthwhile to partner with a digital marketing agency if you need expert assistance when it comes to this.

You are now fully prepared to embark upon this exciting new business venture. With the help of the tips above, making a success of it is sure to be a snap!

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