New Exeter Pound note is here!

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - 11:23am

The Exeter Pound has officially launched a new note.

With a flourish of his feathered hat the Tudor merchant (alias Exeter Pound Director Martyn Goss) handed the £E4.50 note to the Lord Mayor Cynthia Thompson with hopes that it would ‘bring new wealth’ to the city of Exeter.

The new note had arrived via the Exeter Canal whose 450th anniversary is celebrated this year and received by the Lord Mayor on the Quay. At a reception afterwards at the Custom House the Lord Mayor recollected her grandfather, who ran the ferry from the Quay to Haven Banks, and the connection her family has with the Canal and Quay area.

Alan Williamson, Chair of the Exeter Canal and Quay Trust, said how the partnership with Exeter Pound and their grant to produce the new notes had helped keep the heritage of the Quay and Canal in the public eye. Gill Westcott (Exeter Pound Director) noted how many of the Quay enterprises take the Exeter Pound. 'One thing’s for certain’ she said, 'If you use the Exeter Pound you will enjoy yourself!’ She hoped the new note would help sustain local businesses and collaborative relationships in a strong local economy.

To complete the celebration the gathering sang Happy Birthday to Matt Rogers, volunteer designer of the £E4.50 note, whose 40th birthday also fell on Saturday, and a cake bearing the image of the note was duly cut by the Lord Mayor and distributed. A wonderful afternoon was had by all!

Pick yours up today from any of our nine exchange points or order it as part of a souvenir set from the Exeter Pound shop!

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