Have your say: Teignbridge starts budget-setting process

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Sunday, January 17, 2016 - 4:50pm

Teignbridge District Council is asking residents and businesses for their views as they start the annual budget-setting process.

The council is preparing to debate its budget plans for the coming financial year and invites comment as it moves towards a final budget for 2016/17.

The initial proposals detail savings made by the council over the past year and planned savings in years to come with further investment in key projects that help support the economy and housing growth.

Teignbridge has had a good track record of ‘low or no’ council tax increases but, as no council tax freeze grant is offered by the Government, for the first time in six years is proposing a small increase of 1.95% or £2.93 per annum – less than six pence per week – to its share of the bill.

The proposed increase will help ensure Teignbridge remains well placed to deal with future reductions in government funding, can continue to offer the best possible value for money to residents, and invest in the community.

People can have their say through a budget survey which asks respondents to indicate whether they agree or disagree with four statements including one about the proposed rise.

The survey can be found here: www.teignbridge.gov.uk/liveconsultations and closes on Friday 12 February.

The responses will be considered by councillors as they debate and set the budget for the coming year.

Cllr Stuart Barker, Teignbridge District Council’s Executive member for Corporate Resources said:

“After being able to hold our council tax down and have no increases for several years we are having a small increase this year so that we can retain services and leisure facilities despite another significant cut in our funding from government.

“Having made significant investments which have created jobs, contributed to the South Devon Highway, the new University Technical College in Newton Abbot and a new community building and the Fish Quay in Teignmouth, we are now planning to significantly improve and change the shopping experience and night-time economy in Newton Abbot.

“This budget is the start of the next round of exciting developments for residents and businesses in Teignbridge which will bring more jobs and continue to provide more houses for local people.

“Make sure you have your say in the consultation period so we can take all views into account before producing our final 2016/17 budget proposals.”

Initial financial proposals also include:

• The continuation of the free Sunday parking scheme in Teignbridge-owned car parks
• Continuing to support jobs and the economy through the infrastructure delivery plan for education, transport, sport and green spaces projects
• Recommendations by the councillor car parking review group to increase parking income to support a programme of capital investment over the next three years.

Teignbridge District Council looks after more than 126,000 people across 260 square miles of land, stretching from the moor to the sea. Services include street cleaning, bin and recycling collections, leisure centres, parks, open spaces and play, economic development, planning, housing including affordable and homelessness, crime reduction and environment, food and safety.

Of the current total average annual £1,612.73 council tax collected per property, Teignbridge keeps just 9%. The rest is shared between Devon County Council (72%), the Police (11%), the Fire Authority (5%), and 3% to parishes and towns.

After the consultation period closes the financial plan proposals will go through the committee process. Teignbridge's Overview and Scrutiny will meet on 8 February to consider Executive’s financial plans.

Executive will consider the final financial proposals on 10 February. Full Council will meet on 24 February to consider and agree the final financial proposals and council tax resolution.

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