My first blog about why I love to bake

Authored by SquidgyBakes
Posted Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 8:44pm

I am a young woman in her mid teens who loves all things cake! Now, who doesn’t love a good cake? Whether you are just a cake eater or whether you are like me and love to bake your own, I hope you will read my cake-filled blog.

I have been baking from a young age. I can remember being stood on a chair in my grandmother’s kitchen helping her with everything from a Victoria sponge to a sumptuous chocolate cake.

I used to be given my wooden spoon and my apron and await instructions. My job was always the beating, whisking and the mixing. Now after all of the beating and the whisking and the mixing is done then comes the wait; we all know the feeling when you’re sat down (having put your delicious creation in the oven) waiting for the beep of the timer telling you that your creation is baked.

Now I think this next part is harder than the last, when you are standing there looking at your cooling rack with your cake on top waiting for the blooming thing to cool so you can ice it and eat it!

This always seemed forever when I was younger but now I can always fill the time with finishing off work or doing the dreaded washing up! However when it comes to building your tower of loveliness I am always taken back to my grandmother’s kitchen with the same excitement I had when I used to stand on that chair.

So I guess baking for me is all about family, memories and the satisfaction of making a jolly yummy cake!

So now you know a bit about me and my love of cake, I hope you enjoyed it and will be looking forward to my next post. I guess all that is left to say is get baking!

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