Motorbiking Easter bunnies' special delivery

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, April 13, 2015 - 2:15pm

A motorbike ride with a special chocolatey difference took place on Easter Sunday this year with riders delivering chocolate Easter eggs to youngsters with life-limiting illnesses at Little Bridge House, Children’s Hospice South West.

There were an amazing 58 motorbikes including a few scooters, a couple of trikes and even a motorbike with a trailer containing a couple of dogs enjoying a beautiful day out!

The bikers from all around Devon met at Bridge Motorcycles in Exeter and went on a scenic ride to Little Bridge House, South West Children's Hospice near Bideford.

Once there the bikers handed over the vast array of chocolate eggs and other donations they had brought along to staff and children at the hospice. This annual Easter Sunday ride was organised by the Exeter Based Motorcycle Rides Facebook page, which is not affiliated to or part of any group, patch or other motorbike club or organisation.

Everyone is always welcome no matter what type of motorbike or rider you are.

Carla O'Reilly, organiser of the Facebook page and the ride, said: "It’s fantastic that so many people turned out and brought along their chocolate eggs for such a great cause. Some of the bikers children even sent their own eggs along to donate! I set up the Facebook page for motorbikers in and around Exeter to meet and ride with like minded people. It's been more popular than I'd ever imagined, there are nearly 500 members and it's only been going since the first Easter egg ride out last year!”

Sally Norden of Little Bridge House said: “A massive THANK YOU to each and every one of the bikers that came along. They are all awesome! It was fantastic to see them all. The rumbles of the engines could be heard as they approached Little Bridge House and there was a huge pile of eggs for the children and their families. Some of the children came out and had a sit on the motorbikes and had big smiles on their faces.”

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