How Can I Find an Online Tutor for My Child?

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2020 - 9:33am

The pandemic has created a need for parents to find online options for a tutor for their children. This process can create a lot of unwanted stress caused by illegitimate sources that exist, budgetary restrictions on the family, and even embarrassment of the child seeking help. But these factors shouldn’t prevent you from acquiring the help that your child needs when their instructor isn’t available. 

There are a few steps you’ll want to consider taking when researching the right tutor for your child. 

Ask another parent

There is a very good chance that you aren’t the only family seeking homework help. By casually mentioning that you are looking for an online tutor, there is a good chance that someone in your network of friends has done the same and they’ll offer some advice. This can give you trusted insight into the tutor as well as some candid feedback on how the process went for them. If you can, try to hear from a few different parents so you are getting a variety of opinions. You’re the final decision-maker in the process, but having options allows for a more educated choice to be made.

Ask the school 

Another option to begin the search would be to start with the school. Not only do they have a great understanding of your child’s ability, but they have a clear understanding of the progress they’ve made thus far. They might have opportunities available or a partnership with a private tutor. Additionally, they might have access to alternative resources you haven't thought of. Many schools transitioned several of their after-school programs to an online format, so see if your child’s elementary school or middle school offers a similar option. It is good to keep in mind that your child is already struggling with the instructional practices of the school and an alternative might be a better option.  Using older students to help your child feel comfortable is always a good solution like for example, students studying Chemistry at University can be amazing chemistry tutors online for KS3, GCSE and A-level students, at you'll find a large variety of helpful tutors.

Search for non-profits

Depending on the area you live in, there could be a variety of organizations that offer tutoring at little to no cost. This could be a local college, community organization like a YMCA, or other association that offers assistance. If you go through a college, there is a good chance the tutor would have at least a bachelor’s degree. This could be a good option. However, some of these groups require affiliations that have hidden costs. Make sure you discover whether or not there are monthly memberships or other fees that aren’t directly associated with tutoring but are required for using the service.

Research professional tutoring companies

Finally, you’ll want to see what is available in the form of a professional tutor. There is a wealth of companies that offer online tutoring. In fact, since the outbreak of the pandemic, many of these companies have expanded their instructor bases and extended the number of students they’ll help. Companies such as HelloThinkster that specialize in providing a math tutor for kids are able to reach a broad clientele. They are able to assess your child’s math skills, study skills, and determine areas of weakness to provide a strong tutoring schedule. HelloThinkster’s tutors can give comprehensive feedback in courses like algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus. Tutoring companies like this also have years of experience. You’ll want to seriously consider this option to give your child as much flexibility and advantage that you can. 

Once you’ve done your fact-finding, you’ll be able to make an informed decision on what online tutor is best for your child. Whether it’s a non-profit or a tutoring company like HelloThinkster, choose a tutor that plays up your child’s strengths, allows them to work at their own pace, and gives them the greatest opportunity to succeed.

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