business planning

Free support for South West businesses to boost resilience

Authored by Program
Posted: Thu, 09/29/2022 - 7:41pm

As the cost of living crisis continues to impact the prices of energy, fuel and commodities, local businesses across Devon, Somerset, Plymouth and Torbay are being urged to make the most of available support to boost their resilience.

The Heart of the South West Growth Hub offers free, impartial, expert business advice, and has a range of programmes and grants available to help support businesses with growth, resilience, trade, marketing, recruitment, and more.

Businesses are being encouraged to get in touch with the Growth Hub team, who offer signposting services and can...

Strategy Made Simple for Business Growth

Event Date: 
23/03/2017 - 7:30am to 9:30am
Hotel du Vin and Bistro, Exeter, EX2 4HY

Who owns your business strategy?

Do you have a gap between the think and the do of your strategy?

Do you have lots of great ideas and opportunities but lack the time to implement them effectively?

Do your team fully understand your business strategy, so they are working effectively to help you achieve the success you deserve?

Strategic planning is key to driving business success. A business without an organic strategy that is regularly reviewed and updated will quickly be overtaken by its competitors.

A strategically aware business will be in tune...

Expert Business Planning Workshop

Event Date: 
02/07/2014 - 8:30am to 03/07/2014 - 5:00pm
The Innovation Centre, Exeter University, EX4 4RN

Very pleased to be running again our highly successful Business Planning workshop on the 2nd and 3rd of July.

How difficult is it to implement all your plans for taking your business forward, you have lots of good ideas but how are you going to achieve them? Are you looking for:

* Increased profit * Organisational Growth * More customers with a greater loyalty * Better team performance * A plan to take your business onwards and upwards into 2014 and beyond

Well we have the answer for you!

Take just two days out and spend essential time working on the...

Are you ready for your next business challenge?

Authored by Sampson Hall
Posted: Wed, 01/22/2014 - 11:17am

Mark and Becky Ormrod set up a new business together in 2013, not a remarkable statement but when you know what this couple have been through to reach this stage in their lives it is a truly remarkable story and Sampson Hall are delighted to be helping this couple reach yet another set of personal goals and achievements.

Mark and Becky will be attending the Sampson Hall two day Business Planning workshop in February at The Innovation Centre, Exeter University to assist them in taking their business to the next level. In partnership they have set up Juice Plus+, a business they...

Expert Business Planning Workshops for Success

Event Date: 
12/02/2014 - 9:00am to 13/02/2014 - 5:00pm
The Innovation Centre, Exeter University, EX4 4RN

Let's make 2014 a Success!

Take just two days out and spend essential time working on the business not in the business. It will be some of the most valuable time you have spent in a long while!

Day 1 – Understanding your business purpose and leading your business forward through aligning goals, people and systems for sustainable success

Learn the Sampson Hall seven step process to business success. You will take this process back into your business to increase:

* Performance * Productivity * Profitability

As a result you and your teams will work...

What is cash flow forecasting - In a nutshell

Authored by Bitpod
Posted: Mon, 01/27/2014 - 9:30am

We asked local business expert Adrian Hemmings from Simpkins Edwards LLP “What is cash flow forecasting?”

Adrian explains the importance of cash flow forecasting and gives great advice on how to prepare a cash flow forecast. “Split your payments to suppliers to show those that need to be paid immediately, those due at the end of the month, including staff, and those that do not need to be paid for a longer period of time.”

To find out more you can contact Adrian by email at and on the phone at 01392 211233

You can find more of the In a...