Exclusive: Exeter Pound enters partnerships with Exeter City FC and Stagecoach SW

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, March 30, 2015 - 10:11am

Exeter City Football Club has agreed to become a partner to Exeter Pound. Discussions have begun to explore how the club will take the local currency at St James Park.

Gill Westcott, Chair of the Board of Directors of Exeter Pound said: "Exeter City Football Club is a key player in the community. We will be delighted if the Exeter Pound can be used at the club."

Stagecoach has also agreed to become a partner to Exeter Pound. Parallel discussions have opened as to how people might pay for their bus fares in Exeter Pounds.

Martyn Goss, Director of Exeter Pound, said after the initial meeting with Stagecoach: "Exeter Pound is delighted to be developing a partnership with Stagecoach South West. If local people are able to spend Exeter Pounds for travelling as well as leisure, it will be of significant benefit to the city and its communities."

Daniel Hillier, Director of Exeter Pound and Vice-Chair of the Exeter Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) said: "I am delighted the Exeter Pound Project is moving forward in such a positive way. In expanding partnerships across the city, we are aiming to work for the benefit of everyone in Exeter."


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